Ji Mu Journalist Zhang Wanjun

Recently, some netizens reported the real name of the party committee and deputy general manager of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd., Wang, and Zhang Mou, the company's financial director of the company, has long maintained wrongdoing and violations of discipline and violations.Netizens follow.On November 8th, Shandong Gold Group responded to Jimomou News (News mailbox: [email protected]) reporters that they have paid attention to relevant online rumors and the company is further understanding the relevant information.

Netizens' network report (picture source: network)

On November 7, netizens "Pursuing Justice 2023" published an article on the Internet to report on the Internet to report the long -term improper relationship between Wang and Yintai Gold Financial Director Zhang and Yintai Gold Financial Director, which attracted the attention of netizens.The netizen said that he was a legal husband of Zhangtai Gold Co., Ltd., director and chief financial officer of Yintai Gold Co., Ltd., and Wang, a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Shandong Golden Group Co., Ltd., and Shandong Golden Group's director and finance of Yintai Gold Co., Ltd.Director Zhang Mouguan traded the issue of violations of discipline and laws such as long -term unreasonable relationships.

The article said, "The two have long -term improper relationships since the two people since 2011. Zhang had a miscarriage of Wang in 2013 and 2019, and in 2021, he was also infected with HPV16+...The apartment as the dating site of the two was derailed in October 2023.

The article also stated that Wang and Zhang were 15 years old. Wang used the power in his hands to exchange power with Zhang.The two are both lover and upper and lower relationships.

The article stated that the reporter had reported the real name to the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the relevant evidence has been submitted to the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

On November 8th, a reporter from Jimu contacted Mr. Sun.He said that the above article is the expression of his personal willingness, and he is responsible for the situation.Two weeks ago, he had reported the matter to the Shandong Discipline Inspection Commission, and the staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission replied that he was investigating.

The official website of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd. shows that Wang reported by netizens as a member of the company's party committee member and deputy general manager.Public information shows that in 2022, Shandong Gold signed an agreement with the controlling shareholder of Yintai Gold and the actual controller to acquire 20.93%of Intime Gold to obtain its control.On August 15, 2023, the Securities Times reported that Yintai Gold Co., Ltd. issued an announcement that Zhang's eighth board of directors appointed Zhang as the company's financial director.

Jimu Journalists have repeatedly called the reporter Wang and Zhang, and no one answered the phone.The reporter sent an interview text message to the two. As of press time, no response was received.

The staff of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd. introduced that the company's leaders have paid attention to related rumors on the Internet, and the company is doing a better understanding of relevant information.

The staff of Intime Gold Co., Ltd. said that the company has paid attention to the matter, and the relevant offices are investigating, and they are waiting for the results of the investigation.

Jimu Journalists reported to the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The staff stated that they were just registering the acceptance department and registered the reporters' reports.

(Source: Polar News)