On the 7th local time, former officials of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who are suspected of sexual assault on drugs, sneaked and disseminate the victim's privacy photos and videos, were sentenced to establishingHe will face a maximum of 30 years of prison.

Reymond personal photos

According to information and judicial documents disclosed by the FBI (FBI), Raymond, 47, has worked in the US Embassy in Mexico from 2018 to 2020, but its actual identity is the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States.Intelligence officials, the expertise is Mandarin and Spanish.In addition, he also worked in six countries including the United States and Peru for nearly 20 years. Before he was arrested, he settled with his parents in California.

File shows that Raymond met with many women in different countries with the help of "American diplomats". When dating, he used drugs to make the other party lose consciousness, and then sexually assaulted the victims.Many victims were unconscious after encountering violations, and only thought they were seriously drunk.

On May 31, 2020, the Mexican police received a call from the police that there was a "naked, naked, hysterical woman who was hysterically sought for help", and the police then entered the apartment and controlled it.Raymond.Police found nearly 500 photos and video clips he took in Raymond's computer, and the content was the process of invasion of his conscious victim.

The court documents said at least 24 victims in the Raymond case, they came from the United States, Mexico, Peru, and four unknown countries.In the document, these countries are replaced by numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6.Raymond has currently acknowledged felony such as sexual abuse and illegal dissemination of candid video. According to US law, he will be sentenced to 24 to 30 years in prison.

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