Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, said that Article 23 legislation of the Hong Kong Basic Law will not and cannot replace the Hong Kong National Security Law. The two complement each other.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the Hong Kong Legislative Council Security Committee held a meeting on Monday (November 13) to introduce the measures for politics.Deng Bingqiang, director of the Security Bureau, said at the meeting.

Xie Weijun, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, paid attention to that in recent years, Hong Kong has been accused of being too focused on Guoan. In order to reduce international provocation and blackens, he asked if the Hong Kong government would be adapt to the time.Politically "reduce spicy" (relaxation policy), for example, considering Article 23 of the Basic Law to replace the Hong Kong National Security Law or some of the provisions.

Deng Bingqiang pointed out that the Hong Kong legislative legislation on the Basic Law will not and cannot replace the Hong Kong National Security Law. The two are complementary.He said that foreign countries use different excuses to discredit Hong Kong daily, and they will not do what they should do because someone will not discredit.

He emphasized that 23 legislation will not affect people to do business, but will help the economy and make passengers feel safe. No one will be beaten because of different accents.He also reiterated that Article 23 of the Basic Law will not affect the rights of general citizens' speech and rally.

Deng Bingqiang said that after the "Hong Kong version of the Color Revolution" in 2019, some people attempts to subvert the government and some people throw gas bombs.Article 23 legislative is necessary, and the Hong Kong Government will constantly explain that when there is a legislative framework, it will make consultations to complete legislation within 2024.