In response to the U.S. MPs' promotion of the bill to sanction Hong Kong officials, the Hong Kong Security Director Deng Bingqiang attacked the United States as an underworld, and emphasized that the relevant approach was only futile.

The content of Deng Bingqiang published on Wednesday (November 8), the Sing Tao Daily of Hong Kong.In response to the US sanctions bill, Deng Bingqiang criticized that as long as he did not follow his wishes, he sanctioned others, and this approach was like a triad.

He said that when the International Criminal Court investigated the US war and humanitarian crimes in Afghanistan a few years ago, the United States also sanctioned those prosecutors.

Deng Bingqiang said that the United States "intimidates with the underworld, but these practices are only futile." "When justice is no longer afraid, evil will become weak and weak."

Members of the two House of Representatives in the United States launched the Hong Kong Sanctions Law on Thursday (2nd), requiring 49 Hong Kong judges, prosecutors and officials on the list of US sanctions. Many of them are designated by the Hong Kong National Security Law.Judge.

Deng Bingqiang also criticized in an exclusive interview with the radio program on Sunday (November 5) that American politicians for their own interests and wanted to protect their "walking dogs" in Hong Kong, thus intimidating Hong Kong's independent judicial power.He described this as a "underworld behavior."