Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong said in an interview recently that the future focus of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is to strengthen forward -looking research.The second is to support local first trials, and some industrial policies should be studied and introduced.

According to the China CCTV News client on Saturday (November 4), Jin Zhuanglong said in an interview that the Chinese industrial economy has risen steadily in the first three quarters and shows a good situation.Vitality, confidence to see that China's industrial economy continues to rise to a good momentum.

Jin Zhuanglong said that the "new three" momentum including new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products is still better.Industry is a stabilizing compressor stone, and ten key industries including steel, machinery, and light industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has introduced the stable growth work plan for key industries.

Jin Zhuanglong also said that the income of the information and communications industry is good, and the Internet business. You see the number of mobile users, the village villages, villages, and 5G.(Information and communication industry) has become an advantage. It has a leading technology and largest scale. It has more than 3.18 million base stations, accounting for more than 60%internationally.

For the development of the future industry, Jin Zhuanglong said that the future industry is forward -looking, such as artificial intelligence empowering new industrialization, especially the vertical use of artificial intelligence.There is also an important symbol of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change in the future.

Jin Zhuanglong emphasized that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology focuses on two, one is to strengthen forward -looking research.The second support local trial first, and some industrial policies should be studied and introduced.

He said that in the fourth quarter, we must play favorable conditions and overcome some difficulties in the process, but still have confidence. This year's industrial economy continues to rise to a good momentum.