Since the beginning of this year, measures such as "recognition of housing do not recognize" have been promoted to boost the purchase of the property market. Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Construction of China, said that from the perspective of data, these measures have played a positive role in the development of the real estate market.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Ni Hong, secretary of the party group and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, said in an interview that this year the Chinese real estate market is always high, low, and stable.From a data point of view, policies and measures such as "do not recognize the house" and "reduce the down payment ratio and interest rate" have played positive results.From January to October this year, although the transaction volume of first -hand housing declined, the transaction volume of second -hand housing rose, and the combination of primary and second -hand housing achieved a year -on -year positive growth.

He said that the solid advancement of the work of insurance and diplomatic relations has driven the area of houses in the country to increase by nearly 20%year -on -year, which also reflects that local governments help enterprises have positive effects.

But Ni Hong admits that "a new situation in which the supply and demand relationship of my country's real estate market has changed significantly". From the perspective of house supply, the problem of "is there" is basically solved, but the structural lack of structural problems still exist still Essence

Ni Hong said that from the perspective of demand, the people have higher requirements for the quality of housing. I hope to live better houses and get better services.In the past, the development model of pursuing speed and quantity during the solution of the "whether there was" has been unsuitable to solve the problem of "good or bad" and new requirements in the high -quality development stage. It is urgent to build a new development model.

Ni Hong explained that in terms of concept, we must always adhere to the positioning of "the house is used for living, not used to speculate"; in terms of institutional mechanism, establish "people, houses, land, money"The new mechanism of element linkage is set by people to settle the house, setting the land and the house to prevent the market from rising and falling.The "three major projects" of infrastructure construction, one treaty to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate companies, and promote the virtuous circle of financial and real estate.

From August this year, many cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on house purchase such as "recognition of houses and loans".According to the statistics of the Central Plains Real Estate Research Institute in September, more than 30 cities have continued to relax the restrictions on house purchase; nine cities including Nanjing, Shenyang, Dalian, and Dongguan have announced the full cancellation of purchase restriction measures.