On November 7, a notification of a verification results of the Luohu District Court of Shenzhen was circulated on the Internet, which is related to Baoneng and actually the controller Yao Zhenhua.

(picture from the Internet)

"Because the current whereabouts are unknown, the court cannot effectively notify the person who is executed to the hospital for investigation. The acting of the executed person's refusal to fulfill the obligations determined by the effective legal document and violate the property report system.The (or legal person, the principal person in charge) is detained. "The notice wrote.

The notice also wrote: "After investigating with relevant departments such as banks, land, industry and commerce, securities, vehicle management and other relevant departments, no property was found to have a procedural property."

The executed person mentioned above is Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Baoneng Investment").

According to Tianyan check, the company's legal representative is Yao Zhenhua, holding 99.99%of the shareholding, and Yao Zhenhua also serves as chairman and general manager of the company.This means that Yao Zhenhua, as the legal representative and principals of the executed person, may be detained by the People's Court of Luohu District, Shenzhen.

The author of the prisms contacted the application executor of the above notice to verify that the file is true.

"The notice of this verification result is not clear. The executed person written by Baoneng is invested by the company, but the notice also wrote that the executed person 'whereabouts are unknown.'It is also difficult to say that the whereabouts are unknown. "A person who understood the case analyzed the author.

In his opinion, it was Yao Zhenhua who was executed by the execution of "unknown".At the same time, he said that the expression of "implementation of detention" rarely occur in disputes between Baoneng with creditors and former employees.

The case is notified according to the verification results, and the case is a labor arbitration case together.Tianyancha shows that the case for the case for the case was August 21, 2023, and the amount of the target was 440,300 yuan.

The arbitration award obtained by the author shows that on May 29, 2023, the Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission decided that Baoneng Investment paid 211,300 yuan in salary, 224,000 yuan to terminate the economic compensation of the labor contract and 5000Lawyer's agency fee.

According to the arbitration award, the applicant joined Baoneng in 2015, and signed the last labor contract in January 2023. It was Baoneng Investment with it.The latter began to arrears wages since August 2021, with a total of 12 months without paying or not paying in full.

However, the case has not been implemented after the decision of the Shenzhen Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.

On November 3, 2023, the People's Court of Luohu District, Shenzhen issued a restricted consumption order on Baoneng Investment.Consumption behaviors, including airplanes, high -speed rail, buy real estate, travel and vacation.

As of now, Yao Zhenhua has not appeared for a long time.

Yao Zhenhua's last appearance was on July 31st this year. At that time, Yao Zhenhua was surrounded by more than ten former employees who was arrears outside the parking lot in Shenzhen Baoneng Center. His glasses were still dropped.On August 3, Baoneng issued a statement on July 31, the chairman of Baoneng Group Yao Zhenhua, which was attacked by violent attacks, and condemned the matter.

Author | Yue Jiachen

Edit | Chen Fuye

Produced | Prism · Tencent Xiaoman Studio