Pan Gongsheng, president of the People's Bank of China and director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said in a public event that China's expected target of 5%of the economic growth this year is expected to achieve smoothly.

Reuters Reuters and Wall Street News reported that Pan Gongsheng attended the annual meeting of the 2023 Financial Street Forum on Wednesday (November 8th), and combined with the economic and financial situation of China and abroad, it was on economic growth, monetary policy, RMB exchange rate and other issues.give a speech.

Pan Gongsheng said that the proportion of Chinese high -risk financial institutions in the financial system is very small in terms of quantity and asset size.After recent years of reform, the number of high -risk small and medium -sized banks has fallen by half compared to its peak.A small number of high -risk institutions are developing and implementing the implementation of the reform insurance plan for small and medium -sized banks to supplement capital.

In terms of real estate market, Pan Gongsheng said that after more than 20 years of long -term prosperity in the Chinese real estate market, it is undergoing major transformations and finding new balance points.At present, real estate -related loans account for 23%of bank loan balances, of which about 80%are personal housing loans.The central bank implements a very prudent personal housing loan policy, and the real estate market adjustment has an overall controlling impact on the spillover of the financial system.

He said that the central bank will actively cooperate with the industry authorities and local governments in the next step, do a good job in the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and guide financial institutions to maintain stable key financing channels such as real estate credit, bonds, etc.The reasonable financing needs of all real estate enterprises will provide medium and long -term low -cost financial support for the construction of "three major projects" such as affordable housing.

In terms of exchange rate, Pan Gongsheng said that the yuan was basically stable on a basket of currencies and appreciated the non -US dollar currency.The central bank will resolutely prevent the risk of exchanges in exchange rates to prevent the formation of unilateral consistency expectations and self -reinforcement.