Hu Yifeng, the former dean of the High Court of Inner Mongolia, was accused of receiving 35.54 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 6.72 million) during his job.

According to the China News Agency, the Xinzhou Intermediate People's Court of Shanxi Province opened the trial on Thursday (November 2) in the first instance of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Senior People's Court Secretary of the Party Group and Dean Hu Yifeng to accept bribes and use influence to accept bribes.One case.Hu Yifeng was accused of 35.54 million yuan in bribes, and after retirement, he used his influence to receive a bribe 2 million yuan.Hu Yifeng confessed to regret in court.

The People's Procuratorate of Xinzhou City sued accused that from 1997 to 2018, Hu Yifeng used the deputy secretary of the former Bayannaoer League Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the party group of the party group, dean of the Senior People's Court of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, etc.The convenience of the position and the convenient conditions for the formation of authority or status to help relevant units and individuals provide help on matters such as engineering contracting, promotion and case coordination of the project, and illegally accepting property is more than 35.54 million yuan.

The allegations also said that after Hu Yifeng's retirement in 2019, he used the convenient conditions for the management of the party group of the Senior People's Court of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and formed by the power and status.Help and receive 2 million yuan from others.The public prosecution agency requested Hu Yifeng's criminal responsibility for bribery and using influence.

During the trial, the public prosecution agency showed relevant evidence. The defendant Hu Yifeng and his defender conducted a cross -examination.Confused.The court announced the off -court and pronounced it.

Public information shows that Hu Yifeng, 69, was officially reported to investigate for suspected serious disciplinary violations last April; in September of the same year, he was expelled from the party.He was accused of "law enforcement of laws, seeking private personnel, interfering with and intervening in judicial activities, engaging in power and money transactions, and severe damage to judicial credibility."