(Washington, DC) US National Security Consultant Sha Liewen said that short video applications TIKTOK and Chinese parent companies are beating and stripping, and it is completely reasonable to acquire by US -funded companies.

According to the Nikkei Asia, Shalvin said at a event in Washington last Saturday (May 4) that there is no reason not to achieve the above goals this year.

Bremer, President of Political Risk Research and Consulting Company Eurasia Group, also wrote last week that the legislation of Tiktok's "ban is forbidden" is the correct move.

He wrote in a briefing: "Tiktok was eventually subject to the Chinese government ... the platform constitutes a national security loophole because Beijing can use it to monitor and manipulate Americans. Unless China withdraw money or is completely banned from the United States, it is completely banned, otherwiseNo remedial measures or specious guarantees can reduce this risk. "

Byte beating is accused of shaping information flow in accordance with the CCP's policies

Bremo said that the Gaza War has exacerbated the need for the United States to take action now."Since the outbreak of the war, many Americans's Tiktok information flow is full of content against Israel and anti -Jewie."

He said that there are implicit evidence that Tiktok's algorithm and review rules have artificially suppressed the content of the pro -Israeli content and enlarged the emotions of pro -Palestine and anti -Jewish emotions."This is consistent with the results of other studies. Byte beating is based on the Chinese government's policy goals to shape information flow."

U.S. last month to enforce TIKTOK with the parent company through legislation.According to regulations, the byte beating must be sold to US companies within 270 days, otherwise this application will be removed from all US app stores and blocked by Internet service providers across the country.However, if the transaction is made, President Biden can extend the time limit for 90 days.

The relevant regulations mean that the ban will take effect in January next year, which is after the US presidential election in November this year.Tiktok has 170 million users in the United States, and they are mainly young people.Biden and his opponents and former President Trump want to fight for the support of young voters.