(Washington Composite Electric) At present, at least 40 universities in the United States are involved in the tide of the Palestinian. As the graduation ceremony is coming, some universities have decided to cancel this year's graduation ceremony.Training must ensure that the graduation ceremony is carried out in an orderly manner.

The graduation ceremony of the University of Michigan began on Saturday (May 4). The school had previously conducted training for the staff to deal with interference, including teaching them how to "identify and relieve" the problem of violent tendencies.According to the procedure, once the trainer finds the problem, he will send two verbal warnings first. If it is not fruitful, he will call the security guard to take them away.

The graduation ceremony of the University of Illinois will be held next weekend, and the school also provides similar special training to faculty members.

Columbia University, the most intense academic tide, is scheduled to hold a graduation ceremony on May 15th. The school issued a statement on Wednesday that the school will provide more information according to the situation.

Some universities such as the University of South California and the California University of Science and Technology in Northern California have canceled important events or changed outside the campus.

The University of Southern California decided to cancel the main graduation ceremony originally scheduled to be held on May 10th, which caused some students' dissatisfaction, especially some people missed the high school graduation ceremony in 2020 due to a crown disease.The ceremony was gone.

This wave of academic tide in the United States is the first to be out of control at the school of Columbia University on the campus.These dozens of universities rally or set up tents on campus to protest Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip.Students want President Biden to stop the bloody targeting of Israel in Gaza, and also requires the school to withdraw funds from companies that support the Israeli government.Recently, the police have entered some campus law enforcement, and more than 2,000 people have been arrested.

On May 3rd, protesters supported by Palestine gathered outside the New York University Building in Xiacheng, Manhattan to protest the position of school investment and Israeli companies and schools on Israel.(Agence France -Presse)

Reuters 'demonstration of these students' demonstrations to 20 universities affect graduation ceremony. Of the 11 universities that responded, only three said that they would not adjust their security measures.

In contrast, the pressure on universities with a gentle attitude is obviously smaller.The University of Minnesota, the president of the University of Minnesota, announced on Thursday that demonstrations of demonstrations agreed to demolish the camp and do not interfere with the final exam and graduation ceremony in exchange for the opportunity to discuss with the board of directors, and the school will not take disciplinary sanctions on them.

Former Harvard President: A terrible signal on campus demonstrations make American opponents excited

Former Harvard President Summers once again criticized this wave of academic tide.He said in a week's Wall Street show on Bloomberg TV on Friday that students occupy the buildings in the school, interfere with graduation ceremony, and even conflict with the police.North Korea and other "terrible signals" will only inspire these American opponents or enemies.

Some university donors have also criticized the school with students to reach an agreement to consider withdrawing funds from companies that support Israel.The main donor of Brown University and real estate tycoon Stanley sent an email to the President of the New York Times and the President of Brown University, saying that the school was "unreasonable" and therefore decided to suspend donations to the school.

The high -profile counterattack of the celebrity of the Brown University dormitory building shows that the issue of withdrawal from Israeli companies will be troubled by the university.