(Bangalore / Lecin Road Power Power Power) Deep pseudo video has appeared on the central stage of the Indian election campaign. Premier Modi's two close relatives were forged by the video to pass the error message.General coordinator of the party's social media.

One of the forgery videos shows that the Indian Ministry of the Interior Changsha said that the ruling Indian People's Party will stop some social security enjoyed by minority ethnic groups.This is a sensitive issue that will affect millions of voters.Shah quickly rumored, published his "original" speech and "moving hands and feet" speech on the social media, and said that forging video misleading the public was the main opposition party and the party, but he did not put forward evidence.

Police arrested at least nine and six members of the National University of the National University

In response to this, the police arrested at least nine people last week, six of them were members of the National University of the National University of the National University of the National University. They were accused of disseminated and forged videos. At present, five people have been released on bail.Among these detainees, the most noticeable is Rei Di, the coordinator of the National Social Media of the National University. He was arrested in New Delhi last Friday for three days.The Police from India are under the jurisdiction of the state government, but the New Delhi police are directly under the Ministry of the Interior.

The National University party employees protested by the arrest of Reydi, and they attached the keyword label "Release Rey" on the X -sticker of the social media platform; Tygore, a member of the National University of the National University, accused the government of "autocracy abuse".

Last week, another forgery video that set off a stir in stream showed that Aduas, chief minister of the Northern State of the Governor's Party, criticized Modi who did not properly resettle the family members of the military and police officers in a armed attack in 2019.This video has been verified by a different paragraph of a real video. The North Police Police called it "a deep pseudo video generated by artificial intelligence" and arrested a man on Thursday (May 2).This person shared this forgery video on the X platform the day before, attracting more than 3,000 clicks, 11 people liked it.He was charged with forgery of videos and inciting hostility. If he was convicted, the maximum penalty was seven years in prison.

The Indian election kicked off on April 19th, which was promoted in seven stages, and voting ended on June 1.This world's largest democratic election has nearly 1 billion voters.There are more than 800 million Indian Internet users who have to track the spread of false information. Police and election officials must monitor Facebook and X platform 24 hours a day, and from time to time, they issue instructions to the two major platforms.

Northern Police Chief Guma told Reuters that more than 500 people in the state are responsible for monitoring the online content. Once there are controversial posts, it will require relevant social media platforms to delete it.

This election is called India's first "artificial intelligence election".Modi said last week that using false audio on politicians is a conspiracy, which aims to "make conflicts in society."Forgery videos on the Internet also showed that Bollywood actor criticized Modi, and the police were investigating the matter.