French President Macron said that in order to cope with China's overcapacity caused by China, France and China must update economic relations to better realize bilateral economic reciprocity and ensure economic security.

Bloomberg reported that Macron said in an extensive interview with the Sunday (Sunday Tapers, "I call on 'modernization', because China now has overcapacity in many fields and exports a lot to Europe."

Because the European Union conducts a series of surveys on Chinese products due to excessive subsidies, and also accounts for a spy activity from China and a network attack activity initiated by the country, Sino -French relationThe level of worry.

It is reported that although Macron has a strong position on economic issues, he also hopes to expand China's investment in France. At the same time, it is necessary to defend Europe as a balanced power, so that China can continue to participate in global issues.

Macron said: "Let us make it clear, I don't say to alienate China ... Whether it is a climate problem or a security problem, we all need Chinese."