(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli sent to Paris to participate in a delegation to return to the country with Harbin -Harbin -Harbin -Harbin -Harbin -Harbin -Harbon -based ons Saturday. During the war of Israel, the Cabinet approved the group to Qatar, showing that the ceasefire negotiations seemed to have made progress.It is reported that there are still many differences between Yha, but Hamas has given up some previous requirements.

Israeli National Security Consultant Hanegi said on Saturday (February 24), saying that the Israeli delegation who had talks to the United States, Egypt and Qatar officials in Paris had returned to China and asked to inform the cabinet to the results of the talks during the war.In an interview with Channel 12 of Israel, he said that according to his understanding, Harbin may have room for reaching an agreement.

Asked whether the negotiations could make progress before the beginning of March 10, Haneg did not explain, but it seemed to nod.

A meeting after the Cabinet of Israel during the war, and agreed to send a delegation to Qatar in the next few days to participate in further negotiations.

American News website AXIOS quoted people familiar with the matter. The latest draft agreement proposes to let Hamas release about 40 hostages in exchange for Israel's six weeks of ceasefire in Gaza, release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, and began to allow some Palestinians to return to Gagosa.North.

The report quoted a senior Israeli official and said: "We are far from reaching an agreement, but Hamas has given up some requirements." A senior American official also said: "We made some progress in hostage negotiations in Paris on Friday,But there are more ways to reach an agreement.

Saudi Arabia media quoted news that Hamas seemed to accept the proposal of only six weeks, no longer insisted on the long -term ceasefire and let the Israeli National Defense Force fully withdrawn Gasha, and at the same time reduced the number of Palestinian prisoners who required to release.

Israeli Times quoted an Israeli official reported that although Israeli media was optimistic about reaching an agreement with Haha, the negotiating delegation was more cautious.

Egyptian sources told Reuters on Sunday that Qatar will host a mediation talks this week.After the representatives of Harbin, the representatives of the Harbin will go to Cairo to further negotiate to discuss the execution timetable and mechanism of any agreement.

Neitanahu: The Cabinet Meeting will be held early this week to approve the Lafa military operations

Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu said before the war on Saturday that Israel was trying to promote the agreement that made the hostage release, but he also reiterated that Israel would eliminate the battle for Hamas, Lafaya, a southern city of Gaza.

Nei Tanahu revealed that a cabinet meeting will be held early this week to approve the military operations of the Israeli military, including the civilian evacuation plan.He emphasized: "Only by combining military pressure and firm negotiations can we save us hostages, eliminate Hamas, and achieve all war goals."

Israeli and Hamas molecules continue to cross -fire in Gaza on Sunday.The Ministry of Health of Gaza said on the same day that Gaza had 29,692 people died of the war.

The United Nations warned that the population of about 2.3 million in Gaza is on the edge of the famine.On Saturday, Gaza's only two -month -old babies died of malnutrition.