(Washington Composite Electric) Former US President Trump said that if he was elected president again in November this year, he will once again impose tariffs on China, and the tax rate may exceed 60%.

The Washington Post reported on January 27th that Trump will consider levying a unified tariff of 60%of China's imported goods.When asked about the incident during an interview broadcast on Sunday (February 4) on the Fox News Sunday (February 4), he replied: "No, what I want to say is more."

Trump is fighting for the Republican nomination of him as a candidate for the presidential election this year.If he wins in the party in the party, he will challenge the Democratic Party President Biden in the election on November 5.

During the last US government led by Trump, a fierce trade war broke out in China and the United States. In 2018 and 2019, additional tariffs were levied on hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese goods.

Bynden retained these tariffs on the grounds of security considerations, and added new restrictions to prohibit the export of advanced semiconductors and its manufacturing equipment to China.US trade representatives are currently reviewing these tariffs.

In the above -mentioned Fox show, Trump refuted the view of tariffs on tariffs that would lead to a new round of trade war in China and the United States, and said that during his administration, he was "good at all aspects of China."

In response to tariffs, Trump said, "You have to do this. Of course, I don't want to hurt China, and I want to get along well with China. I think it's good, but they really take advantage of our country."

Trump also diluted his remarks at the Fox News conference held in Aiwa last December; at the time he said that if he became the president again, he would become a dictator "on the first day".EssenceWhen asked about it today, he said that this means to immediately take action against the US -Mexico border and fossil fuel.

"This is very simple. I want to close the border, we have to go drilling. That's it. After that, I will not be a dictator. That's a joke."

Chinese investors are worried that Trump may be elected president again

Trump nominated the leader in the party in the party, and eventually the possibility of competing for the presidential position again was very high.A latest survey shows that Chinese investors are worried about it.

Investment Bank Goldman Sachs has discovered with Chinese customers in Beijing and Shanghai in the past week that in addition to the plunge in the stock market, the real estate market is in trouble and the economy is sluggish, the most worrying thing for Chinese investors is that Trump may be elected in the United States againpresident.

However, David Firestein, chairman and CEO of George Bush and China Relations Foundation, believes that the US presidential election will not have much impact on Sino -US relations.No matter who is elected, the United States will not change much in China in investment, technology transfer or trade.

The former US diplomat said: "Whether Biden Biden or Trump wins, the United States' political climate in China will be very similar to the past 89 years. When Biden took office, he not only basically accepted TrumpThe policy actually increased sharply. "

Therefore, he "can understand why China is very happy to win Trump in 2024."As for Trump's threatening to levy new tariffs, he said, "Should we take Trump's proposal seriously as a question mark?"