North Korea announced on February 2nd to conduct a pioneering trial of a cruise missile in the western waters and the new type of air defense missile test.Experts from North Korea believe that although North Korea has frequently launched missiles, from the perspective of North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, at the recent important political conference, North Korea is not a country that is forced to launch war -mobilization.

The North Korean Society reported on Saturday (3rd) that the North Korean Missile General Administration and its National Institute of Defense Sciences on the 2nd to develop a part of the frequent activities of the function, performance and application of new weapon systems on the 2ndThe situation has nothing to do.North Korea's relevant tests did not have a negative impact on the security of neighboring countries.

DPRK News Agency publicly showed several on -site photos on the same day, but did not publicize the launch location and flight time.

This is the launch of cruise missiles after January 30 after January 30.South Korea ’s joint staff headquarters said that the Korean and American intelligence department is conducting precise analysis.While strengthening the alert, Han Jun is maintaining close cooperation with the United States and pay close attention to the trend of DPRK.

It is reported that the Korean army captured the cruise missile launched by North Korea on the 2nd for only dozens of minutes, and the range was shorter than the "Arrow-2" type launched on January 30.It is speculated that this may be because the warhead is more related to the cruise missiles previously launched.

The Yonhap News Agency pointed out that North Korea advocated test -fired new air defense missiles in order to emphasize that the missile weapon system is undergoing diversified work to improve the tension of the peninsula.

Air defense missiles refer to missile weapons launched from land to intercept air targets such as aircraft and missiles.This is the announcement of test air defense missiles again after two years since September 30, 2021.

In addition, with the continuous expansion of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, Russia also helped North Korea's improved air defense missiles, which has attracted much attention.

Hong Yan, a senior research member of the Unified Research Institute, pointed out that the air defense missiles "Lightning-5" and "Lightning-6" developed by North Korea are developing and used, which are based on Russia's S-300 and S-400.Recently, in the case of close cooperation between North Korea and Russia, new air defense missiles have appeared, so it is necessary to pay close attention.

In addition, the former Korean Affairs Director Sydney Saille, the former National Intelligence Commission under the National Intelligence Agency, commented on the 2nd of local time at the Institute of International Strategy (CSIS) that North Korea has recently launched missiles, and some people have proposed againThe possibility of preparation for North Korea."Based on the experience of more than 40 years (North Korean issue), I can make a 'not' answer to this."

He said that from the perspective of a strategic warning, it is not new to prepare for the nuclear war in North Korea, and it has not observed similar indicators that North Korea may occur before launching an attack.In particular, from the perspective of Kim Jong -un's recent important political conferences, North Korea is not a country that North Korea is forced to launch war -mobilization.

But he said that recently, Russia's weapons trading and military cooperation are worrying.He emphasized that China is still an important variable. The United States should mobilize all possible diplomatic methods to put pressure on China to promote the influence of China and North Korea.

In addition, experts believe that North Korea is testing for cruise missiles ordered by Russia.Seoul researcher An Cani, who was born in the north, told AFP that it is estimated that North Korea began to produce a large number of cruise missiles ordered Russian -ordered to produce. It seems that they are testing the missile at sea.He pointed out that before all guided missiles were put into use, they must be tested at least five times.