Diplomat sources said that the UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Monday (February 5) to discuss the Reverse Attack .

Agence France -Presse quoted diplomatic sources reported that at the request of Russia, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the Security Council will hold an emergency meeting at 4 pm on Monday, Eastern time (5 am on the 6th of Singapore time) to accept the United States.Iran supports the attack launched by the organization.

On January 28th, U.S. military was attacked by drones in Jordan.Death, more than 40 people were injured.The U.S. evaluation believes that the coming drone is made by Iran, and behind the scenes, the Militarian organizations supported by Iran are Kataib Hezbollah.

The U.S. Army launched a bomber on Friday (2nd) , in Iraq and Syria, there are seven places exceeding 85.A series of military strikes related to Iran have been implemented to retaliate against the attack on the above -mentioned US military bases.

October 7 last year After the outbreak of Harbin The U.S. military's garrison in Iran has been attacked many times. This week's bombing operation is the first time that the US government has counterattacked such attacks.

Popular Mobilisation Forces issued a statement on Saturday (3rd) that the U.S. military launched air raids on multiple headquarters and camps, causing 16 deaths and 36 injuries to the organization.The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the U.S. Baghdad Office in Iraq and submitted a protests to protest the US military attack.

Reuters quoted the Observation Organization data report that the U.S. military died of 23 people on Syria's air strikes.


The Middle East situation has been tense again and again. At the same time, the U.S. military is still dealing with the attack on the Red Sea and international warships in the Red Sea, and hit many military facilities in Yemen on Saturday on Saturday.

Australian Prime Minister Albanis: Supporting revenge in the United States

Australian Prime Minister Albanis said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) TV interview: "We support American actions. These actions are moderate, revenge on Iran's support for organizations, not upgrades.I think the approach to the United States is correct. "

He also reiterated that Australia supports solutions between the two countries, and the international community must play a role.