(Gagsha Strip Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Army continued to move in the south in the Gaza Strip, and the Hamas leader claimed that the ceasefire agreement was still unable to talk about it.steep.

Hamas's on behalf of Hamdan in Lebanon on Saturday (February 3) said that the proposed ceasefire framework lacks some details, and Hamas needs more time to "show our position."

Hamas sources said earlier that they had received a ceasefire suggestion that included the first six weeks of ceasefire. During this period, more assistance supplies entered Gasha, and Israel's hostage exchanged with Hamas was exchanged in Israel in Israel.Palestinian prisoner.

In order to promote the ceasefire and the release of hostages, French Foreign Minister Surne is visiting Egypt, and US Secretary of State Brosky will also visit the Middle East within a few days.

The fierce battle between Israel and Hamas in Gaza led to more than 80 % of the 2.4 million people in Gaza. Most of them fled south, but found that the battle had spread because the battle had spread to the southern cities Khanis and Border City.Raifa.

The Ministry of Health of the Gaza Sunday said on Sunday (4th) that a kindergarten that La Fa was crowded with Gaza refugees was bombed by the army on Saturday night, causing at least 92 people to die.

Lafa originally had only 200,000 people, and now more than 1.2 million people have evacuated there, causing Lafa to be crowded. Even the streets and parks are full of refugees.A refugee said, "We are exhausted."He urged Israel to stop, allowing refugees to return home.

Expert: Israeli tries to set up a buffer area in Gaza

Under the bombardment of Israeli, many buildings in Gaza have been razed to the ground.Experts and human rights organizations say that the Israeli Army is actually systematically destroying buildings, so that these places can no longer live in, and a buffer area is invisible, which is equivalent to cutting the Hamas control zone with a small area.

Jerusalem Professor Adi Bennian, a professor of Hebrew University, analyzed satellite images and told AFP that since Hamas raid Israel on October 7, the Israeli Army has been targeting buildings within one kilometer of the Gaza border.EssenceMore than 30 % of the buildings in that area are damaged.

Last month, a battle that caused 21 Island Army to death made people take a glimpse of the tactics of the Israeli army to remove the border areas.The Emperor said that at the time, the soldiers were placing explosives to explode the buildings, and they were shot by militants.

Hallevi, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, described it as a "defense operation in the isolated area of ​​the Israeli community and the Gaza Strip" so that Israeli residents can safely return to the community.

Experts say that forcing the Gaza people to migrate, including the behavior far from the border areas, may violate the war law.Agence France -Presse said that Israeli refused to comment on the establishment of a buffer.

Just in Israel's military operations that have caused more and more criticism, the House of Representatives controlled by the United States Republican Party announced a draft legislative case to provide Israel with new military assistance of $ 17.6 billion (about S $ 23.7 billion).Republican Congress Johnson said the funding bill may be submitted to the House of Representatives for voting within a few days.