(Gasha City / Sana Comprehensive Electric) The Israeli army launched the "next stage of action", which launched a large -scale attack towards Gaza's most centralized city of Gaza, which is highly concentrated in Palestinian refugees.The United Nations described that the artillery fire of the Evil has made Lafa a "desperate high -pressure cooker" and "worried" about what may happen next.

Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the displaced Palestinians have fled south to Rafah.The World Health Organization said on Friday that more than half of Gaza's original more than 2.3 million people are currently about 200,000 cities in Lata.People trapped in the border wall have nowhere to escape and can only wait or break into Egypt.

Shortly after the midnight of the local Friday, the strong explosion sounded the city of Lafa.Hamas's Ministry of Health reported that the two attacks of the Israeli army died at least 14 people, but that night, more than 100 people were killed.

Israeli Defense Secretary Garrant has spoken on Thursday. The army's actions in the southern city of Khanis in Gaza have achieved results. The next stage is to attack the city nearby.

Winter storms and rain makers have wiped out the situation of the people of the people of Gaza.On February 2nd, at a temporary tent camp in the southern La Fa, the Palestinians took the hardships and rain.(Agence France -Presse)

In recent days, more Palestinians have fled from Khanis to the south of Lathar.The UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Department is deeply concerned about the continued deterioration of the situation.The spokesman Lark's press conference in Geneva said: "Most people live in temporary sheds or tents, or open -air ... La Fa is like a desperate high -pressure cooker.I feel very worried "

Shortly after the conflict broke out last year, Israeli media disclosed an official internal document. The content includes it to drive the local people to the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt after completing the military operations of the Gaza Strip and set up a "tent city" in the desert area.EssenceThis is equivalent to creating a Palestinian refugee tide in history. Therefore, many Middle East countries and the international community generally oppose it, and the Palestinian national power institutions are even more condemned.

The Army launched a big offensive on the southernmost city of Gaza on Friday, causing great damage, and many buildings collapsed.Images analyzed by the United Nations Satellite Center showed that the Israeli attack has been destroyed or damaged for three0 % of the buildings in the past four months.(Reuters)

55 -year -old businessman Emad escaped with six children.He told reporters through a mobile chat application that if the Israeli tank continues, they will escape."We will face two options: stay and wait for the death, or climb the wall into Egypt ... Most of the population of Gaza is Lafa. If the tank rushes in, it will be unprecedented slaughter of this war."

32 -year -old Abdulkarim brought his wife, and now he fled to Lafa from Jabalia's refugee camp in northern Gaza, and now he now escapes Lafa.He fell asleep for two days first, his wife, Xiao Ze, lived in a mosque, and later distributed to a tent at the Egyptian border.

In winter, the storm began to attack Gaza. Many people do not have enough cold clothes, and some can even use the protective clothing left by the period of crown disease and epidemic prevention.

The United Nations described that the city's closest city to Egypt has become a "desperate high-pressure cooker".People there are overcrowded, and basic living materials such as food and water are very lacking.This child obviously didn't load much water with the bucket.(Agence France -Presse)

On the other hand, the Hussean armed forces in Yemen launched multiple ballistic missiles on Friday to the Red Sea city in southern Israel.A Hussean armed spokesman said that Hussem launched an attack on Israel without hesitation from Israel until Israel stopped military operations against Gaza.

Shortly after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict in October last year, the Hussean armed forces frequently attacked merchant ships in the red seawater with drones and missiles, and also threatened to attack Elat.Since January 12 this year, the United States and Britain have joined forces to attack the Hassas armed targets, causing death and injury.Some countries have condemned the United States and Britain to violate Yemen's sovereignty and exacerbate regional tensions.

In order to avoid heating the situation, US Secretary of State Bollinger affirmed the visit to the Middle East again on the 4th to 8th of this month, and went to Israel, the West Bank of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Qatar, and strived to release the hostage of Gaza humanity and Hamas.

French Foreign Minister Seruerna has set off on Saturday to many countries in the Middle East, to promote the restart on the basis of the "two countries' solutions".British Foreign Minister Cameron has talked with Israel's Prime Minister Neitahu, saying that Nei Tanahu "has not completely ruled out the two countries' plans."