(Washington Comprehensive) Paparo, commander of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S. Navy, shows that the United States aid Ukraine to play a role in curbing China.

According to a press release from the US Department of Defense, Samuel Paparo attended the Senate Military Commission on Thursday (February 1) and said that the most important thing that the United States can do to promote peace in India isFirst, it is to support Ukraine to fight with Russia.Mainland China is still brewing to attack Taiwan forces, and will continue to pay attention to Russia's actions to learn how to achieve a short and sharp battle.Supporting Ukraine is not only a deterrent pillar in Europe, but also a deterrent pillar in the Indo -Pacific region.

Paparro was nominated as commander of the U.S. Indo -Pacific Command.He said at the hearing that the United States must cooperate with allies and partners to carry out action in a self -confidence, professional and responsible manner, safeguard regional stability, and defend the sovereignty rights of various countries.

“我们决不能认为自己已经准备就绪,我们必须始终改进我们的态势。如果(我的提名)得到确认,我保证与本委员会合作,确保我们完成国防战略中的首要国防任务,尤其是Containment (with China) (with China). "

In addition, Paparo also talked about the issue of military cooperation between the Russian and North Korea, saying that Russia and North Korea is a symbiotic relationship that violates the principles of global peace.

He believes that Russia may provide potential high -end technologies to North Korea as a return on weapons North Korea to Russia.At the same time, North Korea's continued swordsmanship and diffusion actions, as well as more tests and weapons display, have exacerbated the tension of the Korean Peninsula.Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the development of North Korea's ability and extend deterrence.

He emphasized the role of the United States and South Korea alliance, and said that South Korea is the key to peace, stability and security in the Pacific region.