(Jerusalem Composite Electric) Although the international community called for a lot of ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu showed that the Israeli army would not stop fire, but would fight until the victory.The Israeli ground forces further deepened Gaza on Tuesday (October 31) and fought with the Palestinian radical Hamas in the local tunnel.

Nei Tanahu said at a press conference on Monday (30th) that Israel would not stop in Gaza.He said: "Calling Israel to stop fire is to surrender to Hamas and terrorism ... this will not happen."

The UN General Assembly passed the resolution on Friday (27th), and called for a long -lasting humanitarian suspension in Gaza, but this resolution was not binding.

The United States also opposes long -term ceasefire.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council on Monday: "We believe that ceasefire is not the current correct practice, and we do not support cease fire at this time." He said that what he should consider is temporarily suspended in order to transport humanitarian rescue supplies to Gaza.Essence

The Israeli Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Tuesday that the Israeli army attacked 300 targets at night, including anti -tank missiles and rocket launch points located under the well, as well as Hamas military facilities in the underground tunnel.

During the

period, Israeli soldiers fought with Hamas several times, and Hamas used anti -tank missiles and machine guns to attack the army.The statement said: "The soldiers killed the terrorists and directed the air -to -middle troops to crack down on the target and terrorist infrastructure in real time."

The Kasan Brigade of Hamas Armed factions said that they fought with the Israeli forces invading southern Gaza in the early morning of Tuesday and attacked four Israeli military vehicles with anti -tank missiles.Hamas also claimed that two Israeli tanks and bulldozers in the northwestern Gaza fired, and ambush "eliminated" an Israeli forces.

The Army said late on Tuesday that the Israeli troops were fighting Hamas in the depths of Gaza, and dozens of militants have been killed in the past few hours.

The Army spokesman Cumilik said that an Israeli female soldier held by Hamas was rescued on Monday, and she provided useful information about future operations.Israel confirmed on the same day that a 23 -year -old woman with dual nationality with Germany and Israel was dead.

Hamas released a video of three women's hostages on Monday, one of which urged Israel to change prison with Hamas.Negatahu said that this was Hamas's "cruel psychological propaganda".

Analysis: The offensive of the army seems to be cautious and slowly leaves space for hostage negotiations

Analysts believe that compared with the crazy bombardment of the past three weeks, the ground offensive of Israeli on Gaza appears cautious and slow, partly because of the possibility of negotiating with Hamas.

Reuters quoted three Israeli security sources say that the ground force of Israel did not directly enter the most densely dense area of Gaza. On the one hand, he hopes to weaken the status, Strive to reach an agreement with Hamas on the issue of hostages.

A former senior commander of the army said that the Israeli army's slowdown also designed to lead the snake out of the hole, allowing Hamas to leave the underground tunnel or densely populated area, and fight in a broad place to reduce troops casualties and kill as much as possible.Millets.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza said on Tuesday that Israel's air strike on Gasha has killed at least 8,525 Palestinians.

The United Nations Cast Eastern Palestinian refugee relief and Engineering Division (UNRWA) chief Communist Commissioner Lazarini called on the UN Security Council to immediately ask for humanitarian fire.He said: "Unless political willingness to promote meaningful supplies to meet the unprecedented humanitarian needs, the existing mechanism that allows assistance to enter Gasha is destined to fail."

UNRWA officials said that hundreds of people in Gaza every day tried to break into the United Nations granary robbery, and the United Nations' four local rescue materials distribution centers and a storage facility were suspended.A spokesman for the World Health Organization warned that Gaza was facing an imminent public health disaster.

In addition, the Israeli Red Sea City Erat rang the air strike alert on Tuesday.The army said that the air defense system detected a "air target" and shot it down.After the army, the army intercepted a missile that came from the Red Sea area.

The Yamen Rebel Rebels supported by Iran announced on Tuesday that it launched a large number of ballistic missiles and drones to Israel in the later Tuesday, which is the third time it attacked Israel.The Hussean rebel said that there would be more attacks before Israel's stop aggression.