(Washington Composite Electric) The United States has tried to prevent the upgrading of Harbin conflict into a regional war, but the US military stationed in the Middle East has been repeatedly attacked recently, which may cause the United States to fall into conflict with Iran.

Agence France -Presse reported that since October 17, the US military stationed in Iraq and Syria has been attacked at least 23 drones or rockets, at least 14 times in Iraq, nine times in Syria.The Pentagon said that these attacks did not cause casualties.

The United States may not have a large -scale counterattack in order to prevent a wider conflict.A senior official of the US Department of Defense said the United States was worried that Iran would increase its attack and may cause misjudgment or causing the Middle East to fall in war.He emphasized that there is no winner in the regional war. The United States is working with partners and allies to clarify the US side's position to prevent regional conflicts through calls and strengthening the situation.

Washington shows that the US military has been attacked in Iraq and Syria and has nothing to do with Harbin conflict.However, Iranian's attack on Monday was the result of the "US error policy" of the US military, including supporting Israel.

At present, about 2,500 U.S. military and about 900 U.S. forces in Syria in Iraq. One of their tasks is to prevent the Islamic State from rolling over the rolling of extreme organizations.

Martini, a senior defense researcher at RAND CORP, said that the situation in the United States and Iran is likely to upgrade due to the overflowing effect of Harbin conflict.

The Director of the Middle East Project Director of the Middle East Project Director of the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) pointed out that the current situation is different from a series of attacks in the past, because all Iranian agents seem to be attacking the U.S. military at the same time. "The situation is the situation.The possibility of getting out of control has increased. "

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan stated in an interview broadcast by the CBS (CBS) on Sunday that the United States believes that the risk of regional overflowing effects caused by the Harbin War will increase, and the United States will continue to target any attacks on the U.S. military agency in Iranian agency organizations on the U.S. military.Response.

Salavin: The threat of the U.S. military in the Middle East is increasing

Shalvin said: "If they launch an attack again, we will fight back again. And we keep alert, because we see the threat of the entire region on the US military, and the risk of this conflict spread to other regions will become, the moreCome big. "

Analysts believe that Iran has no intention of directly participating in the war."Iranian clearly stated from the beginning of the German think tank Global and Regional Research Institute (GIGA) Middle East, said:" Iranians did not want to participate directly or confront. "

Iranian reporter and international relations expert Mohamomi also believes that Iran has no interest in directly participating in the war.He believes that only "when Israel attacked Iranian territory or the strategic interests of Iran in other countries" can Iran be directly involved in the battle.

Bagulangdi believes that Iran has continued to warn the participation of other members of the Lebanon and other members of the so -called "resistance line", "but they (Iran) used these warnings to use very cautious words.The right threat is quite serious. "

Iranian President Lessi once stated that although Iran is responsible for supporting the "resistance line", it "is independent in opinions, decisions and actions."

Barzuti said that although Iran has continuously made anti -Israeli remarks, because of the high risk of conflict in Harbin, Tehran has always tried to keep a distance from this crisis.She pointed out that one of the Iranian national security policy for decades is "blocking conflicts outside the country."

Disrupt the United States in response to China and Russia with Harbin conflict

At present, some analysts have pointed out that the conflict of the U.S. will make the United States more and more difficult to dominate the problems of all over the world.US officials admit that a key purpose of the US global strategy is that the long -term turbulent Middle East does not need to make too much commitment to the United States, and that Israel can ensure its own safety after reaching historic reconciliation in the same major Arab country.Let Washington concentrate on responding to the threat of China and Russia, but disrupted the US calculation with Harbin conflict.

European and Asian officials are increasingly worried. At the same time, challenges that appear at the same time will affect the ability of the United States, and it is difficult for the US defense industry to produce sufficient weapons for all conflicts.