A senior US government official said that the US President Biden and the Chinese official team have reached an agreement in principle. The meeting between the leaders of the two countries will be held in San Francisco this month, but there are important details to be finalized.

Reuters reported that the US official explained in detail the White House Press Secretary Jean -Pierre's speech at a regular press conference on Tuesday (October 31)."Constructive dialogue" during the summit (APEC).

U.S. officials said: "Both parties have reached an agreement in principle and will be held in San Francisco in November. We are still studying the important details of this arrangement."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China revealed on Monday (30th) that is to communicate with the United States. The two sides agreed to achieve the first meeting between China and the United States to meet in San Francisco.

Wang Yi said to the White House on October 27 that the Chinese side attaches importance to the hope of the United States to stabilize and improve relations with China.Promote Sino -US relations to stop falling.

Biden and Chinese officials met the last time the last time in November (G20) Summit of Bali Island, Indonesia last November.The San Francisco APEC Summit will be held from November 15th to 17th.