Former US Vice President Pence announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Pence participated in the Republican Jewish Alliance Annual Meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday (October 28), and unexpectedly announced that he decided to withdraw from the presidential campaign during his speech.

Burns said: "I know, now it's not the time of me (running). After repeated prayer and consideration, I decided to suspend the presidential campaign."

It is reported that although Pence's decision is surprising, it seems that it is only a matter of time in his final election in the next election.

Burns is a Republican presidential candidate. He has been vice president. He has many years of work experience in Washington. He also has a high popularity in the United States. However, his poll data is not optimistic.

According to the special website of the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) election, The voting intention of the tune was only about 3.8%, ranking back in a number of candidates within the party.Former President Trump was far ahead with a support rate of 56.9%.

During the president of Trump, Pence was his deputy.However, Burns broke up with Trump because of refusal to overthrow the results of the election in Congress the previous year.Since participating in the campaign, Pence has also failed to attract enough anti -Trump voters and lack campaign funds.

In Saturday's speech, Pence did not make any expressions to support other candidates, but instead showed to the people present that he "never gives up fighting for conservative values."