(Sydney Composite Electric) Australian Police announced on Thursday (October 26) that a Chinese money laundering gang was destroyed. The survey showed that in the past three years, the gang has changed more than 200 million dollars (about 17,300 for the remittance institution to exchange exchange institutions (about 17,300Wan Xinyuan).

Australian police have launched an anti-money laundering survey code-named August and other six law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Land and Safety Investigation Department, which are code-named "Operation Avarus-Nightwolf", which lasted for 14 months.

Australian police dispatched more than 240 police and 92 experts to searches for the office and residences of the Changjiang Currency Exchange in the Chain Exchange Institution, arrested seven members of the money laundering gang, and seized more than more than$ 50 million in assets.

According to a statement issued by the Australian police, seven suspects are aged 35 to 40, of which four are Chinese citizens and three are Australian citizens.According to police investigations, from 2020 to 2023, the criminal gang was suspected of replacing A $ 229 million in money to exchange foreign exchange money.

There are 12 exchanges in Australia with suspicious expansion of the police. Police attention

The Yangtze River exchange was established in 2012. It has 12 currency exchange outlets in Australia. It is one of Australia's largest independent remittance institutions.In the past three years, the Yangtze River exchange transfer funds have exceeded 10 billion $ A $ 10 billion, most of which are legal transactions.

However, the police said that the exchange of exchange in the Yangtze River seemed to be a legitimate enterprise, but it was actually suspected of colluding with criminal gangs, covering and transferring the latter's illegal income, including income such as cyber fraud and illegal trafficking, and the amount involved was as high as A $ 100 million.

Da Meito, assistant police officer of the Eastern Command of the Australian Federal Police, said that during the crown disease epidemic, many international tourists and international students in Australia had returned to China.Outlets caused police suspicion.

Dameto emphasized that the reason why this investigation is so complicated is that this criminal gang "operates in the eyes of the public", the glorious stores are all over the country, instead of moving in the dark as other money laundering organizations.

Police seized a box of high-priced brand-name watches in a dens in Melbourne.(Reuters)

Dameto also pointed out that members of the criminal gangs live luxuriously, and they went in and out of the major upper -stage places in Australia and splurge their stolen money.They live in luxury homes, drove luxury cars, and travel by private planes, one of which is worth more than $ 10 million.

In addition, the members of the gang also set up a fake passport of $ 200,000 in each, so that the east window was absconded when the incident was in the event.