Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in Washington that there are differences between China and the United States and common interests. The two countries need to have a "in -depth" and "comprehensive" dialogue to reduce misunderstandings and stabilize bilateral relations.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Wang Yi delivered a brief speech through translations before talks with US Secretary of State Brosky on Thursday (October 26).

Wang Yi said that he hopes that Sino -US relations can be more stable after experiencing turbulence.He said that right or wrong is not determined by the strong. "We seek expansion that is conducive to cooperation between the two parties, thereby stabilizing Sino -US relations and returning to the track of health, stability, and sustainable development."

Wang Yi also expressed his hope that he had discussed with Brinken, "constructive and forward -looking."

The White House spokesman Kerbal said at a regular press conference on Thursday that US officials will discuss with Wang Yi about the concerns of the United States' concerns about the South China Sea and restore the US -China military exchanges.

Kobe said that the Harbin conflict will also be included in the agenda of both parties.

Wang Yi will meet with the White House national security adviser on Friday.In addition, although it is not announced at present, it is generally believed that the US President Biden will meet with Wang Yi because Brinken was officially involved in Chinese officials when he visited Beijing in June.

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi October 26th to 28thVisit the United States .Wang Yi's visit to the United States this time is that since June this year, US Secretary of State Brosky, Treasury Secretary Yellen, Presidential Climate Special Envoy Kerry, Minister of Commerce Raymond, Senate's major party leader Shummer, California Governor NewsonAfter China, Chinese senior officials made a special trip to the United States for the first time.