(Jerusalem / Washington Composite Electric) Israel faces increasing international pressure and requires it to re -consider to launch large -scale ground wars on Gaza.It is reported that Israel agrees to postpone the ground offensive, but the Evis ground forces have implemented the largest limited raid since the outbreak of the conflict explosion on the outbreak of the conflict on Thursday (October 26), and continued to prepare for the next stage of military operations.

French President Macron met with Egypt President Cyysi on Wednesday that it would be a mistake to launch large -scale ground operations in Gazha, which would cause civilian life to be in danger.He said: "This is unlikely to bring long -term protection, and it is also contrary to the protection of civilians or respect for international humanitarian laws and the rules of war."

U.S. President Bynden also urged Israel to abide by the war law on Wednesday, and emphasized that there should be "a road to peace" after the conflict.He said: "We believe that this must be a plan for the two countries. This means that all parties -Israel, Palestinian, regional partners, and global leaders must work together to let us embark on the road of peace."

Biden also confirmed that he privately suggested that Israel postponed the ground offensive against Gaza in order to rescue the hostages, but denied that pressure Israel would do it.Bayon said: "I said to him (Israeli Prime Minister Natana) that if these people may leave safely, then he should do this. This is their decision."

The Wall Street Journal quoted US and Israel officials on Wednesday that Israel agrees to postpone the ground offensive that might be mobilized on Gaza, so that the United States has time to deploy missile defense systems to protect the US military in the Middle East.According to reports, the United States can deploy nearly 12 air defense systems to the Middle East within the earliest this week.

The officials interviewed also said that Israel also considers the provision of humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gasha and the diplomatic efforts that let Hamas release hostages.

Turkish President Erdogan on Thursday and Roman Catholic Pope Francis said that Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip was equivalent to a massacre and called on all countries to speak on Gaza's humanitarian crisis.The Dutch Prime Minister Lutter also urged Israel to abide by international law and minimize the damage to Gaza civilians.

Nei Tanahu made a television speech on Wednesday night, and continued to promote plans to launch ground wars on Gazha.He did not disclose the details and scale of the ground war, but only said that the timing of the action would be determined by the war cabinet.He said: "We have killed thousands of terrorists, this is just the beginning. We are also preparing to launch a ground offensive."

The video screenshot released by the Israeli military on Wednesday shows that the Army's targeted raid against the launch tools in the northern part of Gaza on the same day was prepared for the possible ground offensive.(Agence France -Presse)

The Israeli National Defense Force said on Thursday that they dispatched tanks and infantry overnight to the targeted assault operations on the launch tools in northern Gaza.Since the outbreak of a new round of conflict, Israel has repeatedly entered Gaza to carry out military operations.According to Radio Israeli Military Station, compared with the previous two weeks of attacks on the region, the offensive scope and deeper on Thursday.

At the same time, Israel has also continued to attack Gaza, and more than 250 Hamas targets have been hit in the past 24 hours.The Ministry of Health of Gaza said that at least 7028 people in Gaza had died in Israeli air strikes since the outbreak of the conflict.

The U.S. Russia proposed that the resolution of the Harbin conflict was not obtained

The UN Security Council voted for the Harbin conflict resolution proposed by the United States and Russia on Wednesday, but both resolutions were not passed.

The draft of the United States' resolution calls on the suspension of hostile operations to allow rescue supplies to enter Gasha.The draft was supported by 10 of the 15 member states of the Security Council, but it was rejected by the permanent director country China and Russia.

Russia has proposed another draft called "immediately, lasting and fully respected humanitarian fire", but only supports four votes in China, Russia, the UAE and Gabon.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield disappointed the US draft.Zhang Jun, a permanent representative of the United Nations, criticized that such a confusing security association on war, harmony, life and death decided to decide irresponsible and extremely dangerous, which is tantamount to further upgrading the war on the war.

It is reported that the Security Council plans to draft new resolutions.The United Nations Conference also voted for the ceasefire resolution proposed by the Arab countries on Friday (27th).