(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden Bayeng on Friday (October 27) Wang Yi, who visited the White House at the White House, has a deep attention internationally and speculating for a long time.US anonymous officials said that US -China officials have agreed to meet in principle and Chinese officials in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in San Francisco next month, but the two sides are still finalizing the final details.

Bloomberg reports that the Chinese Embassy in Washington has not responded to media inquiries.Since the meeting during the G20 summit held in Bali last November last year, Biden and China have not met again in the past year.

Western analysis believes that Wang Yi has paved the way for Chinese officials to attend the APEC Summit in mid -November and the Sino -US summit.US officials said that the United States is ready regardless of whether the meeting is held.

It is worth noting that US officials mentioned that the discussions between China and the United States are increasingly focused on economic issues, including concerns about sanctions on technological sanctions, reflecting Beijing's concerns about the United States that hinders China's development.These officials pointed out that although we have a wide range of dialogues with Wang Yi this week, strengthening contact with China's diplomatic contact does not mean that the Biden government's attitude towards Beijing has changed.

Analysis: Although the "atmosphere" of China and the United States is good, the fierce competition will continue

Sarta, a professor at George Washington University in the United States, believes that the "atmosphere" of China and the United States looks good, but it is expected that China and the United States will still be a very fierce competitive relationship in the future for a long time.

The White House issued a statement after the meeting that the two countries had agreed to continue to maintain high -level diplomacy to work hard.The talks between Biden and Wang Yi last day lasted for an hour. Bynden stated to Wang Yi that the two countries must be responsible for controlling the competitive relationship, maintaining smooth communication channels, and emphasizing that China and the United States must work together to deal with global challenges.

The United States also expresses deep attention to the situation in the Middle East and urges China to adopt a more constructive approach, including dialogue with the Middle East allies.When Wang Yi met with Biden, it was stated that China attaches importance to the desire of the United States to stabilize and improve relations between the two countries.

Reuters analysis believes that the Harbin conflict has upgraded the already tense relationship between the superpowers. Washington hopes that Beijing can use its influence on Iran to prevent the upgrading of war in the Middle East to a wider war.U.S. officials revealed that US officials often mention this issue at a meeting with Wang Yi, saying that Beijing should use its relationship with the Middle East to assist in stabilizing the situation.

In addition, Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Brosky and national security adviser Sha Liven held a talks of more than six hours within two days. U.S. officials described the interaction between the two sides "frank and deep".The United States has raised the main concerns of Washington, including the necessity of restoring the military channels of the two countries, the actions of Beijing in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and Taiwan, and human rights issues.

Wang Yi stated to the United States that the most important key to China and the United States is to achieve the "five musts", that is, we must abide by the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, to stabilize the bilateral relations between China and the United States, to keep the communication channels unblocked, and to control the contradictions and frictions.And must promote mutually beneficial cooperation.Wang Yi emphasized that in order to achieve stability and getting better in Sino -US relations, the two sides should also objectively understand each other's strategic intentions, correctly look at the competitive factors in Sino -US exchanges, and clarify the concept of national security.

Wang Yi said that the current international situation has become chaotic, and Sino -US relations are also at the key crossroads. China always believes that the common interests of China and the United States are greater than the contradictions.The way of dialogue should be a zero -sum game. Therefore, China advocates that Sino -US relations should return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.