(Washington / Beijing Composite Electric) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Brosky agreed that China and the United States need to "in -depth" and "comprehensive" dialogue, and relations between the two countries must return to a healthy and stable track.

On Thursday, Eastern Time (October 26), Wang Yi talks to Brinken in Washington.Before the meeting, Wang Yi stated that there are differences, contradictions, and important common interests between China and the United States, as well as challenges that must be dealt with.Dialogue, comprehensive dialogue, enhance mutual understanding through dialogue, reduce misunderstandings and misjudgments, and constantly seek to expand consensus and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation. "

He also pointed out that China and the United States must promote the stability of relations between the two countries, and return to the track of health, stability, and sustainable development as soon as possible.

Blingken agreed to Wang Yi's words.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Watson later pointed out in a statement that "the commitment made by the meeting with the responsible managing bilateral relations and maintaining strategic communication channels was consistent."

On Friday morning in the Eastern Time, Wang Yi and Brinken continued to talk.On the same day, Wang Yi will also meet with the US National Security Consultant Sarawon at the White House.It is generally believed that Wang Yi will also meet with US President Biden.

The United States has invited Chinese officials to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in San Francisco in November. It is not yet sure whether Chinese officials will be invited to visit the United States.However, analysts said that Wang Yi was paving the way for Xi to be paved.

Experts: China and the United States define different US parties and do not change their positions and practices for "stability".

Dali, director of the Institute of Sino -US Relations in Kissinger, pointed out that China and the United States have different definitions of "stability". The United States will not change its position and practice of China, and will seek stability without significantly increased the probability of conflict;China hopes that the United States will stop "provocation and insults" so that China can focus on organizing and developing the domestic economy.

He believes that Wang Yi's visit is to obtain the United States guarantee that he will not make him "embarrassed" through severe new policies or remarks during the Chinese official visit.

In recent months, Sino -US high -level contact has become more and more frequent. Many senior US officials have visited China one after another, including the Minister of Finance Yellen.

Yellen: After experiencing the "dangerous period", US -China relations develop in the front direction

Yellen participated in the Bloomberg event in Washington on Thursday that after the relationship between the United States and China has experienced the "dangerous period", it is now developing in a positive direction.

Yellen said in an interview with the US media that the new working group of the new US -China economy held two meetings this week, and the US Ministry of Finance was discussing in -depth and constructive issues on issues that were concerned with China.

She said that the United States and China need to work together on global issues. "Debt reduction is one of the issues, climate change is another problem, and there are many other examples."

However, she also shows that the Bayeng government hopes to promote the supply chain "Friend-Shoring" with multiple countries to avoid excessive dependence on China on this issue while maintaining trade and globalization.the benefits of.

Mutual refers to the provocation of military communication in the South China Sea and have not seen effective progress

Although the US -China relations have signs of ease, in terms of military communication, the two sides have not made effective progress. Recently, they also pointed out that the other party has adopted provocative behaviors in the South China Sea.

Last week, the Pentagon has accused Chinese military aircraft accusing the US military aircraft in recent times and interception of US military aircraft.China refuted this and released a video recently that the Ralph Johnson destroyer of the U.S. military on August 19 "closely harassed" Chinese warships in the South China Sea.

A video of the US Department of Defense on Thursday stated that on Tuesday (24th), a Chinese J-11 fighter aircraft was "unsafe and unprofessional" in the South China Sea.-52 bomber, the distance between the two sides was only three meters at a time, facing the danger of collision.