(Colombo Comprehensive Electric) Although the Indian government is concerned about Chinese Kokko ships or secretly conducts espionage in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka officials have stated that it has been allowed to stop 48 hours and carry out marine research operations under the supervision of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Foreign Ministry spokesman Fengseca Sunday (October 29) said that a scientific inspection ship "Experiment 6" of about 90 meters in China has stopped in the capital Coronpo since Wednesday (25th).Perform supply operations; there is a Chinese enterprise that runs the ocean container terminal locally around the dock.

Officials will be allowed to carry out two -day research work along the western coast of Sri Lanka from the next Monday (30th).Fengseca emphasized that Sri Lanka's researchers will also appear on "Experiment 6", and "Sri Lanka Navy will also monitor the ship."

Because Sri Lanka is located in an important strategic position, it is the Eastern and Western route centers and international shipping. The Indian government is concerned about the Chinese Ocean and the increasing influence of Sri Lanka.

China Global TV Network (CGTN) said that "Experiment 6" is a scientific survey ship with 60 crew members, specializing in marine, geological and marine ecological research.

In 2022, the Chinese scientific examination ship "Yuanwang 5" also stopped at Hambantota, a port near the Indian border in the southern part of Sri Lanka, causing strong anxiety in New Delhi, saying that this was a spy ship; Colombo eventually ended upNo vessels have carried out research operations.

Hangban Tota Port is a large amount of infrastructure from China more than 10 years ago in Sri Lanka more than 10 years ago. The port began operation in 2012, but Colombo was unable to repay the loan. In 2017The annual lease is allowed to operate Chinese enterprises.

Analysis: The huge additional debt part is caused by the "Belt and Road" project

In addition, Sri Lanka was still in a economic crisis in 2022, owed $ 46 billion (approximately S $ 62.9 billion) foreign debt. More than 14 billion U.S. dollars was bilateral debt owed to foreign governments, of which 52%were in China.

Analysis believes that Colombo's huge amount of additional debt is caused by the white elephant project behind the "Belt and Road" project in China."White Elephant" is usually used to describe assets that spend huge but difficult to generate profits or value. Handon Tota port and international airports are regarded as white elephant projects.