U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen said that after the relationship between the United States and China has gone through the "dangerous period", it is now facing a more positive development.

Bloomberg reported that Yellen on Thursday (October 26) attended the interview during the Bloomberg Washington office event that he had almost no contact for about two years. "I think this is a dangerous state.This is especially dangerous when the two sides have differences. "

Yelun said that the United States and China need to work together on global issues. She said: "Debt deductions are one of the issues, climate change is another problem, and there are many other examples."

However, Yellen also said that the Biden government hopes to promote the "Youkan Outsourcing" policy with a wide range of supply chains with many countries in order to avoid excessive dependence on China while retaining the benefits of trade and globalization.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi launched a three-day visit to Washington on Thursday.Book the way for US President Biden and Chinese officials next month.It is generally expected that Wang Yi will meet with Biden on Friday.

I visited China in July.The financial minister visited China for the first time.