Ukrainian President Zelei said that nothing will weaken Ukraine's determination to fight Russia.

Reuters reports that a temporary appropriation bill that the US Congress quickly passed to avoid the federal government's "closing".= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> excludes the United States' assistance to Ukraine .In a speech recorded by Zelei on Sunday (October 1) to commemorate the defenders of the motherland, it did not directly mention the bill adopted by the US Congress, but reiterated its determination to continue fighting for victory.

Zeleiski said that no one can "cut off" the stability, endurance, strength and courage of Ukraine. His remarks echo the consistent response to the Russian attack on Russia's attack.

He also said that Ukraine will continue to resist stubbornly until victory."We are approaching this goal every day, and we have to emphasize,‘ As long as we need, we will continue to fight. ’"

In addition, Ukraine Minister of Defense Umerov said on the X Society platform (formerly known as Twitter) that he and US Secretary Austin passed the phone and received the guarantee that he would continue to obtain US military assistance.

"Austin guarantees me that the United States will continue to give Ukraine assistance, and the Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield will continue to receive strong support support."

A spokesman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that Kiev is coordinating cooperation with US partners to ensure that a new budget in the United States will include funds provided by Ukraine.

Biden in the United States said on Sunday: "I want to guarantee that the American allies, the American people and the people of Ukraine can trust our support. We will not let it go.".com/Realtime/World/Story20231002-1438670 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Ask the House of Representatives McCarthy to fulfill the promise of continuing to assist Ukraine , and asked Congress to pass a new assistance within a few days or weeks a new assistanceUkrainian plan.