(Moscow Composite Electric) Russian President Putin appointed former senior commander of Wagner Andre Troshev, leading Russian militia to fight in Ukraine.This is one month after the death of the Russian mercenary organization Wagner's leader, Pryiga, a month after his death, the Kremlin began to reorganize the militia and give a new mission.

The Financial Times reported that the Kremlin Palace announced on Friday (September 29) that Putin convened Andrei Troshev to attend a meeting to assign him a volunteer forces that can complete various combat tasks in Ukraine and other places.

Putin spokesman Peskov told reporters that this is a "routine meeting". Troshev is now "working for the Ministry of National Defense", but has not further explained.

Troshev's nickname "gray hair" has been one of the senior commanders of Wagner in the past 10 years.It is known that Troshev is one of the founding members of Wagner and a retired colonel of the Russian army. He has participated in the Afghanistan and Chechen War.Troshev had a dispute with him during the launch of the mutiny.

Poliga Group launched a mutiny on June 24 , But the soldiers became the end of the grass within a day.After the mediation of President Berlos Lukashenko, Kediya reached an agreement with Pryigon, and asked Perigon and Wagner soldiers to White Ross.However, Pryigon and many Wagner's heads Damination of China , Wagner had no head of dragons for a while.

After the failure of the soldiers, the Russian military began to take over Wagner's operations in Ukraine, and Wagner's mercenaries in African countries such as Libya, Mali and the Republic of China.Russian Deputy Minister of Defense Ev Curov visited several African countries closely related to Russia at the time, and told these countries that the Russian army of these countries would replace Wagner.

Putin is ready to fight Ukraine for a long time

In addition to reorganizing the militia, Putin also continued to recruit troops to prepare to fight Ukraine for a long time.

Reuters reported that the Russian government website posted a document on Friday, stating that Pujing has signed a decree for autumn routine recruitment and will call for 130,000 Russian citizens to follow the army.

According to this decree, all men aged 18 to 27 in Russia must take one year of military service, or receive equivalent training in higher education.

Previously, Putin signed a decree in March this year to start a spring recruitment, recruiting 147,000 people.Putin said this month that he is preparing for the long -term war of Ukraine.

Last year, Russia announced that it would increase the number of troops by more than 30 % to 1.5 million.The Russian army faced the stubborn resistance of the Ukraine in Ukraine, and the two armies had been in a hard battle.Ukraine said it would fight to the end until the last Russian soldier was kicked out of the Ukraine territory.Western allies also continue to provide military aid for Ukraine.

In addition, Putin issued a video speech in the early morning of Putin on Saturday (30th), saying that after the Ukrainian area was merged into Russia, the local elections this month showed that the Ukrainian people in Russia occupied the region showed that they would become a member of Russia.

On September 30 last year, Putin announced that it will include the four districts of Donetsk, Lugusk, Hermuson and Zapolo in eastern and southern Ukraine into Russian territory. It is just one year on Saturday.However, the Russian army did not fully control these four regions.Putin said in his speech that this time, like a historic referendum a year ago, people once again expressed and confirmed the willingness to be the same as Russia.