(Malaysia / Bradislawa Comprehensive Electric) The Indian Ocean Island State Maldives held the presidential election. The current Marcius Muyzo of Beijing won the victory and was elected as the new president.

In the second round of the presidential election of the presidential election held on Saturday (September 30), Muyzu, 45, received 54.06%of the current President Salich, who was looking for re -election, acknowledged the defeat before midnight, and posted on social media in social media.Congratulations to Muyzu.

After serving as president five years ago, Salich changed the pro -Chinese position of former President Yaming, and rebuilt the old man with India.This diplomatic policy will be adjusted as Muyzu comes to power.

Muyzu was running for the president with the support of Yaming. He served as the Minister of Housing and Environment during the period of Yaming, and received funding through the "Belt and Road" initiative to promote infrastructure construction.

The political party alliance supporting Muyzo opposed the India's garrison in the Maldives. During the campaign, it promised that once he was in power, he would require the local Indian army and multiple Indian patrol aircraft to evacuate.

The Maldives is located on the important maritime traffic road connecting the Middle East to Asia. For China and India, it has received support from Maldives, which means that it has a strategic advantage in the Indian Ocean region.India is a member of the "Quartet Security Dialogue" mechanism (QUAD). This alliance also includes the United States, Australia, and Japan, which aims to curb China's expansion forces in the Indo -Pacific region.

Slovaku Election Winners hope to improve relationships with Russia

Slovakia, China and Europe, held parliament elections on Saturday. Former Prime Minister Photo's populist party is the biggest winner, but it still needs to win the party to form a new government.

The populist party led by former Slovakia Prime Minister Photo (second from left) became the biggest winner in the parliamentary election on Saturday.The picture shows the party headquarters from the capital of Photo and the party members to celebrate the victory in the capital of Bladisla.(Agence France -Presse)

After the voting of 98%of the constituency, Feizo's social democracy — the party led 23.37%of the votes, and the Slovak Party ranked 16.86%.Fizo's target.

The 59 -year -old Fizo opposed Slovak's military aid Ukraine and hoped to improve relations with Russia.Analysts predict that the Photo government will completely change Slovakia's diplomatic policy and become similar to Hungarian Prime Minister Olban.Olban is regarded as a troublemaker within the European Union, and frequently hinders the EU and NATO aid in Ukraine.