(Berlin Comprehensive News) Germany Foreign Minister Berbek pointed out that Germany should not be seen by China's recent development and changes, and the government has to formulate a Chinese strategy to reduce risks and reduce dependence on China.

Voice of Germany reported that Bell Berbque said on Thursday (September 28) in the Chinese strategy announced by the Congress government in July.Oppose ... We can't ignore it, let alone ignore this change. "

She pointed out that recently a series of incidents in China have caused "sensation" in the world: "Chinese Foreign Minister and Secretary of Defense have been dismissed, or they no longer appear ...The unemployment rate is soaring. "

She criticizes that China is increasingly aggressive in the Indo -Pacific region, and the newly published maps are almost included in the entire South China Sea.In terms of diplomacy, China and the United States gradually let the world make a breath, but Syrian President Assad and established diplomatic relations with Taliban, Afghanistan.

However, she also emphasized that as long as it is based on common and fair rules, Germany is willing to cooperate with China, especially for urgent issues such as medical care, fair trade, and climate crisis.