(Washington Composite Electric) The State Department warns that China is investing huge sums of funds to spread false information around the world, saying that freedom of speech at all over the world is facing the danger of "sharp contraction".

According to a report published on Thursday (September 28) on Thursday (September 28), China "manipulating global information is not only a public diplomatic issue, but also a challenge to the integrity of the global information space."

The report states that the Beijing government spends $ 1 billion a year for "overseas information manipulation", which includes use of publicity, false information and content review, and promotion of positive news about the Chinese and Chinese governments.

At the same time, China also involves "sensitive" issues such as Xinjiang, Taiwan, and South China Sea disputes, human rights, and Chinese economy, and suppress criticism information that conflicts with official narratives.

Use international organization to manipulate information and perform control of Chinese media

According to the report, China's information manipulation method includes promoting "digital authoritarianism", using international organizations, and controlling Chinese media.These practices make China have the ability to "reshape the global information environment."


Report mentioned that China's online censorship focuses on Africa, Asia and Latin America to ensure that the information that Beijing does not like is eliminated; Chinese state -owned enterprises purchase stock scores of global media, expand positive reports in Beijing, and publicize democracyThere are problems in the country.

Nevertheless, the report states that China ’s global information is not fully smooth in democratic countries, because the resistance of local media and civil society has frustrated China’ s offensive.

Rubin, a special envoy and coordinator of the Global Contact Center, told the media: "When you put together the puzzles, you will see the ambitions of the Beijing government seeking information in the world's key areas."

He warns that if it does not stop China's information manipulation, the value of democracy will "slowly and steadily destroy"."We don't want to see Owa's true and fiction mixed in this world."

"ORWellian" refers to social control by publicity, misunderstanding, denying the facts, and manipulating the past.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not comment on relevant reports.

This 81 -page report reflects the United States' concerns about the Chinese information war offensive.The day before the report was released, the United States accused Chinese hackers who invaded Microsoft's email platform earlier this year and stole 60,000 emails from the US State Department's 10 accounts.

In July this year, Microsoft issued a report that Chinese hackers have obtained emails from 25 organizations, and the victims are mainly from Western Europe.Bloomberg and other media subsequently revealed that the emails of the US Minister of Commerce Raymond were also invaded.

In response to the allegations of Chinese hackers, China has repeatedly advocated that the United States is "the world's largest hacker empire and Internet secrets", and it is said that this is the "collective false information" released by the United States and its allies.