(Tokyo Comprehensive News) Sources revealed that the Japanese government intends to seek the court to order the unified church of religious groups.The Japanese government had previously conducted several months of investigations on the unified church to find out that the unified church coerced the people to make huge donations and other suspicious means.

The Kyodo News Agency quoted a sources from the Japanese government on Saturday (September 30) that the Japanese Cultural Agency is considering holding a meeting on October 12 to report the official plan to the Consultation Committee of the religious institution, and then seek court order to order the court.Drimation unified church.

Uniform church and the late Prime Minister Abe Jinsan The relationship is closely related,The murderer who assassinated him was born with a donation of about 100 million yen (approximately S $ 914,500) for hate the murder. Abe was killed in July last year , many Liberal Democratic parties were exposed and unified church.There is a close relationship to promote the official to conduct a strict investigation of the unified church.

Sources revealed that the official statement through the documents submitted by the unified church and the statement of the victims of huge donations to the coercion, judging that the unified church violated the law of religious legal persons.

If the unified church is disbanded, it will lose tax exemption and as a religious legal person, but it can continue to operate as a entity.