(Washington Reuters) The US Biden government appointed senior diplomat Mark Lambert as the highest policies to China.The problem is in a tension.

The US State Department issued a statement on Friday (September 29) that Lambert will be the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in responsible for mainland China and Taiwan affairs, while leading the coordination office of China Affairs.The China Affairs Coordination Office was just established last year, and the informal name is "China House".The establishment of this special responsibility group was originally in order to better coordinate the China policy of cross -regional and issues. Unexpectedly, it is now approved that the complicated decision -making process is more cumbersome and slow.

Lambert is an expert in Asia. He has worked twice in the US Embassy in Beijing. The previous appointment was also the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He was mainly responsible for Japan, South Korea and Mongolia affairs, as well as the relationship with Australia, New Zealand and Pacific.

The US State Department said: "He (Lambert) has rich experience in dealing with issues related to the People's Republic of China, formulating consistent policies with our allies and partners, and maintaining the integrity of the international system./P>

The United States focuses on contacting China to ensure that the tension between the two countries is not intensified

At present, the United States focuses on contact with China to ensure that the tension between the two countries will not evolve into conflict.In recent months, many senior officials in the American cabinet have visited Beijing one after another to pave the way for US President Biden and Chinese officials to be held in the late time of this year.

According to US officials, Lambert's appointment is unlikely to change Washington's tone of China policy, but it should inject vitality into the complex and slow decision -making process of the "Chinese group".

A senior official of the US State Department told Reuters that Lambert fully supports the task and mission of the "Chinese group"."He really focuses on ensuring the policies, documents, processes and personnel in the Chinese group."

The State Council admits that the "Chinese group" has some personnel configuration problems during the startup process, but denying that these issues are related to the Bayeon government's policy on China.It also claims that the "Chinese group" is one of the most efficient operating teams in the State Council.