(Washington Composite Television) The US hardliners Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican member of the United States rejected the temporary expenditure bill proposed by the party leaders, which means that some federal institutions will be closed from October 1.

The House of Representatives used 232 votes and opposed 198 votes, overturning a bill for the federal government for 30 days to avoid government stopping.The content of this bill covers the priority of Republican Party's priority attention to Republican Party such as cutting expenses, implementing immigration, and restrictions on border security.

The failure of the

Customs clearance of the bill means controlling the Republican Party of the House of Representatives without a clear strategy to avoid the government's stop.If the funds are not in place, the government cannot operate, which will lead to a series of consequences, including the wages of up to 4 million federal employees, and hinder all the affairs from financial supervision to scientific research. Even national parks must be closed.

Although the Senate is promoting a two -party power bill to provide funds for the federal government until November 17, it is unclear when the Senate will vote.

If all services are not reached, all services except key public services will stop

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on Saturday, but if an agreement is still impossible, all services except key public services will stop after midnight on Saturday, Eastern Time (Singapore Sunday at 12 noon).

Once the federal government stops, it will be the fourth time in 10 years.The repeated situation of this situation has caused investors to worry, and international rating agency Moody's warning has warned that this may harm the reputation of the United States.

President Biden has repeatedly warned that the suspension of the government may affect national defense and cause serious losses to the U.S. military.He said at the retirement ceremony of Milly, the chairman of the Chief of Staff's joint meeting on Friday: "We must not play politics drama in our army.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen also warned that .White House Economic Consultant Bre even said that the government's closure for the current American economy with a mild inflation and a flexible US economy, is a "unnecessary risk" .

McCarthy: There are other ways

The Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy said on Friday that after his support, he said, "This is not the end, I still have other ways." But he refused to disclose what he would do.

The Republican Party's McCarthy originally hoped that the bill had the support of the border security and could persuade at least nine of the hardliners in the party to support it, but in the end, 21 Republican members and the Democratic Party rejected the bill together.

Many Republican members of the Republican Party disappointed with hardliners within the party.One of these Donaldes pointed out that Republicans who opposed the bill did not really realize that ensuring the safety of border and cutting expenses was the right way out.

Gates, a Republican member who opposes the bill, said that what should be done now is to continuously improve this bill so that it can be passed.He and some hard -line Republican councilors said that if McCarthy only wants to rely on the Democratic votes to avoid the government's shutdown, they will drive him down.

Jeffris, the leader of the House of Representatives Democratic Party, told reporters: "We are in a Republican civil war that has lasted for months. Now the government is facing catastrophic suspension threats."

The Director of the White House Management and Budget Office, Sharanda Yang, called on the Republican Party to resolve internal differences as soon as possible to avoid the government's closure.