People familiar with the matter said that Beijing and Washington are promoting official exchanges between the two sides and adopting other measures to improve the turbulent relationship between the United States and China to pave the way for Chinese leaders to visit the United States.

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter on Thursday (September 28) that the two sides were discussing He Lifeng, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council to visit Washington.He will become the highest Chinese official who visited the United States since he took office.He Lifeng is one of the official relatives of China and is in charge of economic policy.

People familiar with the matter revealed that at the same time, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also plans to visit Washington in October to prepare for Chinese officials and Biden's summit.

U.S. officials said that China had previously assisted in transferring the second -class soldiers in North Korea to South Korea to transfer to the United States this week.Officials said that the White House national security adviser Sha Liwen proposed the case of the US soldier at a meeting with Wang Yi ten days ago.Travis Kim is currently

The Wall Street Journal said that after many months of comprehensive tension between the United States and China, the latest development developed to create favorable conditions for Biden and the official meeting of Chinese officials.Leader Summit of the Cooperation Organization (APEC).In addition to the APEC Summit, Beijing also sought to hold Chinese officials and Biden -one Summit.Both governments believe that the worship will help to promote the efforts to stabilize US -China relations for several months.

last year, last year 11 last year 11 last year 11 last year 11 last year 11 last year 11 last year last year last year 11 last year last year last year last year last year last year last year last year.Monthly Twenty Group (G20) Summit held in Bali, Indonesia.

APEC Leaders Summit will be held in San Francisco from November 11th to 17th.