DueDrought, Seattle Public Utilities requires 1.5 million users in the region to reduce water consumption.

ABC reported that an article published by the official website of Seattle Public Institute of Public Institutional Co., Ltd. stated that in the past few monthsRainfall may be postponed, so the company is worried that there is enough water for residents and fish.

The article quotes hydrological model data that the mountain reservoir in Seattle will have a deep shrinkage.Elizabeth Garcia, the water resource planner of the Seattle Public Institute, said that the water level of the reservoir is already lower than the average level. In orderVoluntary reduction of water consumption "provides a cooperation for the company's efforts.

ABC reports that the last time the Seattle Public Infrastructure Company made a similar requirement in 2015.

Alex Chen, director of the company's drinking water department, told the Seattle Times that recently rainfall helps to increase the water level of the reservoir.start.

Government all over the Washington State issued a drought warning in early July this year, and then announced that 12 counties in the state entered an emergency in drought.According to data from the US Drought Inspection Center, nearly 10%of Washington State currently has nearly 10%of the Extreme DruogHt, and 43%of the region is in a serious drought state.

Ellix Chen said that from May to September, the rainfall in the river where the public institutional company's reservoir is located is usually up to 66 cm. However, the rainfall of the same period this year is only 17 to 20 cm.If the situation cannot be improved, the company can mandate water use, and the company has never taken this measure since 1992, and does not want to take this step.