(Ottawa Comprehensive) Canada Prime Minister Trudeau A>, murdered a Sikhist leader listed as a terrorist by India. This allegations made US President Biden Bynden in the close ally Canada, as well as the increasingly important partner country India.Bloomberg analyzed that this incident may subvert the United States to attract India and united allies to fight against China.

In June this year, the Canadian Sikhist leader Ni Jal was shot shot in Vancouver. Trudeau said on Monday (September 18) that "trusted allegations" showed that the Indian government agent planned the case.India refutes the allegations, saying that Trudeau's statement is ridiculous.India has been dissatisfied with the split activities of Sikhs in Canada. The relationship between the two countries has deteriorated and expelled officials due to the incident.

The United States is cautious about this diplomatic storm.The National Security Council spokesman Watson said the Bayeng government was deeply concerned about the matter and called on India to cooperate with Canadian investigations.A U.S. officials acknowledged that when the US -Indian relations seemed to have developed smoothly, Canada's allegations on India brought problems to Biden.

Groasman, a senior national defense analyst at the United States Think Tank, said: "The Bayeng government is in a dilemma in the latest explosive event. If it stands on Ottawa, it will anger New Delhi and make New Delhi question Washington againSincerity. If it stands on the side of New Delhi, it is against the NATO ally. "

Intelligence in the Intelligence Case of Hindu Agents has very close cooperation

Senior Researcher Mishla, a senior researcher at the New Delhi Observer Research Foundation, pointed out that as India and Canada have deteriorated, the United States will face a difficult challenge to balance relationships with the relationship between the two countries.A Indian official told Bloomberg that although the relationship between India and Canada was expected to deteriorate, the US -India security cooperation relationship was firm and unlikely to be affected.

In June of this year, the Sikh leader Nikjar, who was listed by India as a terrorist, was shot by two masked gunners outside the Sikh Temple in the suburbs of Vancouver.(Reuters)

According to Reuters, the Canadian government reported that in the case of Indian agents involved in the case of Nejar, Canada and the United States have conducted very close intelligence cooperation, and Canada will disclose the evidence that it is publicly held at the same time.

Indian mainstream media have questioned Trudeau's claims.The Hindu report commented: "Trudeau's priority is to openly prove this very serious allegations, or acknowledge that he cannot get evidence. New Delhi also considers how to deal with the relationship with Canada."Rudau "trying to split India and the West", and the real winner will be China.

India's main opposition to the Indian National Assembly party also stands on the side of the Modi government.Lamesh, chief spokesman of the National University Party, said in social media: "The interests and concerns of the country must always be higher than all.The period of Indian sovereignty, unity and completeness. "

Indian Express Agency calls on Canada and India to resolve the dispute, saying that the first step is to stop the situation upgraded and arrange a frank dialogue between the two countries.