(Beijing Comprehensive Television) Yao Luowa, vice chairman of the European Commission, said that EU companies are worried about China's anti -spy law and referring to the lack of transparency in the new law and the "lengthy procedures" that the enterprise needs to experience.

Vera Jourova (Vera Jourova) just hosted the first Senior Dialogue in the China -Europe Digital Field .She pointed out at a press conference on Tuesday that the new law is not clear. For example, what is important data, how to violate the law and other lack of clear definitions, and the extension of the time required to complete the procedural affairs is the problem.

Yao Luowa said: "I think it takes about 45 days before and after a process, but it usually lasts longer."

China has expanded in July this year Anti-Spy Law Now it is prohibited fromAny information related to national security and interests, but does not give a clear definition.At the same time, Beijing has expanded the scope of espionage, and network attacks on national departments or key infrastructure are regarded as spy activities.

Analysis said that China's officials are increasingly concerned about national security, especially for consulting companies and investigating companies that verify business and investment opportunities. This has made many foreign companies not sure which aspects they may violate the law.

In addition, Yao Luowa mentioned at a press conference that China is a partner, competitors and systemic opponents of the European Union, including the digital field, and Systemic competition is the most prominent .

Yao Luowa emphasized that there should be differences in different degrees of communication between European Europe.She shows that it will make suggestions to Chinese officials to establish a certain information link to assist EU companies to understand the law and avoid possible violations.

In late July, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea, and the representatives of 30 foreign companies Introduce the new anti -spy method .The Ministry of Commerce said at the time that China was committed to creating a fair, transparent and predictable business environment.