(New York Composite Television) Ukraine President Zelei Sky on Wednesday (September 20) at the United Nations Security Council meeting severely condemned Russia to invading Ukraine as a "crime", calling on the United Nations to deprive Moscow's veto in the Security Council.

This is the first time since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war in February last year, Zeleizki has attended the same occasion with Russian officials.Jelianzki said at this meeting of Ukraine: "Most people in the world recognize the truth of this war. This is Russia's criminal aggression on us to seize Ukraine's territory and resources."

Zelei rushes to the United Nations to end Russia's veto power in the Security Council.Russia can use veto rights as the United Kingdom, China, France and the United States to prevent any resolutions.He pointed out that deprivation of Moscow's veto rights can be regarded as part of the extensive reform of the Security Council.

Zeleiski said that the veto power in the hands of the invaders has caused the United Nations to fall into a deadlock, because all the efforts to promote the suspension are rejected by the invaders or indulgence.

Zelei: veto belongs to the former Soviet Union instead of today's Russia

He reiterated Ukraine's position that the veto power belongs to the former Soviet Union, not Russia led by Russian President Putin."Unfortunately, Russia manipulated the seat of the Security Council through behind the scenes after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This seat has been occupied by scammers. What they do is to decorate aggression and ethnic extinction."

Before speaking, the venue was tense.Russia's Permanent Representative of the United Nations Nirvana, on the grounds of procedural issues, opposed and obstructed Zellezzky's speech, and challenged the rotating chairman of the Security Council and the decision to make Ukraine first speeches by Albanian Prime Minister Rama.Nirvana has repeatedly asked to speak, and he told Lama that Zelei Sky's first appearance may make the Security Council a "unicorn".

Rama was politely refuted on the spot and said: "There is a solution here -as long as Russia stops war, President Zellezki does not need to speak at all."

After the Russian Foreign Minister Raft, after leaving Zeelianki, he appeared in the Security Council and scratched the suggestions to end Russia's veto power, saying that this is a way to curb Western power."The use of veto is the absolute legal tool stipulated by the United Nations Charter."

Lavrov also accused Zelianzki that he had been unwilling to negotiate with Russia to solve the war issue.He even turned to U.S. Secretary of State Broskel, suggesting that the United States could order Zelenezki to negotiate with Russia.

Brinken met with Lavrov before the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War. At that time, Russia warned Russia not to invade Ukraine. After the war began, the two did not meet. During the United University, they did not plan to meet.

Brinken's speaking accused the Russian army offending the crimes committed in Ukraine. He said that he recently visited Ukraine to visit a town and witness the local school's basement stacking the remains of the Ukrainian civilians."Russia committed war and anti -human crime in Ukraine almost every day in Ukraine."