(New Delhi / Ottawa Comprehensive Electric) The dispute upgrade of Canada and India.The Canadian Supreme Commissioner in New Delhi announced that it would reduce the number of diplomats in India, and India announced the suspension of visa services to Canadian citizens.

The Canadian Supreme Commissioner's Office issued a statement on Thursday (September 21) saying: "The current tension is intensified, and we are taking action to ensure the security of diplomats. As some diplomats are threatened on social media platforms, the Canadian global affairs departmentThe preparation of personnel in India is being evaluated. Therefore, due to careful consideration, we decided to temporarily adjust the number of diplomats in India. "

The Supreme Commissioner's Office does not provide more details to reduce personnel, but it means that the office will continue to open and operate normally.The statement also said: "We hope India will provide security guarantee for the Canadian diplomats and consular officials in India, just as we provide security guarantee for Indian officials."

India has suspended visa services to Canadian citizens

On the same day, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Bagch said that India has suspended visa services to Canadian citizens due to security threats in the face of security threats.

Earlier that day, BLS International said at the Canadian Indian official visa processing agency BLS International said that it has received a notice to stop processing visa application.

Canada and India are tense. It originated from Canadian Sikhist leader Nijar in June this year and was shot shot near Vancouver.Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Monday (18th) A>, India Refutation is ridiculous .The two countries were tight because of this incident and expelled each other.

Nejar advocates establishing an independent country in northern India.He was wanted by Indian officials for suspected terrorism and conspiracy.But the World Sikh Organization in Canada said Nejar denied these allegations.

At the G20 summit held at New Delhi earlier this month, Indian Prime Minister Modi expressed to him when he met with Trudeau that he "strong concerns about Canadian extremists' continued anti -Indian activities."

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (20th) refers to Canada's politically condoned hate crimes and criminal violence. Indian diplomats and those communities defending India have become the target of threats. Therefore, the government is worried that Indian citizens' personal safety in CanadaEssence

Canada has suspended negotiations with India's Free Trade Agreement.

U.S. and Canada cooperate to investigate Nyjar's death incident

The United States calls on India and Canada to cooperate to investigate Nyjar's murder.Cerbine, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said that the White House was deeply concerned about the allegations of Indian agents in murdering the leadership of the Canadian Sikh, and urged India to cooperate with any investigation work.

Analysis believes that Canada holds a diplomatic dispute with India a few days later in New Delhi, which has caused Western countries to be embarrassing.

Carvin, a scholar of international relations from the University of Ottawa Calton, pointed out that India is important for Western check -in China, and Canada is not, which makes Canada be in an unfavorable position.

Britain has refused to publicly criticize India and said that bilateral trade negotiations will be carried out as planned.Barga Payi, an Indian expert at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, said that Britain is in a dilemma between Canada and India. Britain hopes that India will become trading partners and allies to help against China.

Barga Pay said: "If there is no clear evidence to prove that India participates in it, I think the United Kingdom may be silent."