(Eric Vennal Comprehensive) Azerbaijan's Nagolo -Karabak (Nakaka) region of Armenia launched new military operations. Armenia said that at least 32 people were killed and more than 200 people were injured.

Azerbaijan launched this round of "anti -terrorism" operation on Tuesday (September 19).Earlier, Azerbaijan claimed that his soldiers were killed in the attack from the mountains.

Russia promotes Aya to return to the ceasefire agreement

Armenian Prime Minister Pahiniyan said Nagorno-Karabakh was shot intensively, and the attacker attempted to provoke war.He asked Russian peacekeeping personnel to do his own work and warned that the forces of unknown identity are talking about a coup in Armenia.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky urged Azerbaijanan President Ariyev to "stop hostile operation immediately" and told Pasiniyan that Washington supports Armenia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Russia urged to stay calm and urged Aya to return to the ceasefire agreement.

Russian news institutions quoted the Presidential Palace of Azerbaijan that Ariyev told Brinken that only after the surrender of Armenian soldiers surrendered can Azerbaijan stop military operations.

Energy pipelines in the area are staggered in Russia and the United States, Russia and the United States are competing for influence

If another war between the two former Soviet countries of Aya may undermine the geopolitical balance of the South Caucasus region.Energy pipelines in the region are staggered, and Russia, the United States, Turkey and Iran are competing for influence.

Naka is regarded as part of the territory of Azerbaijan by the international community.In 1988, the Armenian and Azerbaijanians broke out in Naka.At the end of the war in 1994, the Armenian people controlled the ups and downs of the mountains.

In 2020, Azerbaijan launched the Second Naka War and recaptured some territories in a six -week war.The two sides eventually sold out the war in Russia, and a Russian Victoria and Force deployed in the Nakaka area.

About 120,000 Armenian people in the Nakaka area.After a new round of conflicts, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that peacekeepers have evacuated more than 2,000 civilians from Naka.