(Warsaw Comprehensive) Polish Prime Minister said that after providing weapons for Ukraine, the tension between the two countries was upgraded.The Polish government clarifies the next day that Warsaw will complete the previously agreed weapons as planned.However, this dispute may be on The Russian War Has attracted attention.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war, Poland was originally the most firm ally in Ukraine. It not only provided weapons for Ukraine, but also received about 1 million Ukrainian refugees.However, in order to protect the interests of domestic farmers, Poland It is forbidden to import Ukrainian grains , As a result, relations between the two countries fall into tension.When Ukrainian President Zelei Skyki spoke at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday (September 19), it accused some EU countries of pretending to unite, but indirectly supported Russia, which caused strong dissatisfaction in Poland. Poland then summoned Ukraine Ambassador and protested.On Wednesday (20th), when Polish Prime Minister Moravitzki was asked by the media whether he would continue to support Ukraine, he said, "We will no longer transport weapons for Ukraine because we are equipped with more modern weapons for Poland."

Poland Prime Minister: The previous agreement will be implemented not to prevent other countries from passing on Polish transshipment weapons

But he said that Poland will not interfere with other countries to transport weapons to Ukraine through RZESZOW, a southeast of Poland.Poland borders western Ukraine, and most of the weapons in the United States and other countries assist Ukraine through Poland.

However, Moravitzki claimed that the remarks of stopping weapons for Ukraine have attracted widespread attention, and the Polish government came forward on Thursday (21st).The spokesman Mueller said: "Polish will execute the previously agreed ammunition and arms delivery, including the weapon contract signed by (other countries) and Ukraine."

The Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine confirmed on the same day that after the call of the Minister of Agriculture of the two countries, they agreed to solve various disputes caused by food embargo in accordance with the interests of the two countries.

However, Schroeder, a senior researcher at the New American Safety Center in Washington Think Tank, said Poland is an important transshipment station for Western weapons and equipment to Ukraine. Although the Polish government said that this supply line will not be affected, it is not yet possible to judge this dispute.How much impact will it have on the situation of the Russian and Ukraine War.

He believes that, if it is on what, the contradiction between Kiev and its supporters will release a signal to Russia, that is, in the long run, European countries may have variables for Ukraine's support.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Ukraine has always relying on neighboring countries such as Poland and other agricultural products, but after a period of time, these countries believe that a large number of Ukrainian agricultural products entrance and straw have disrupted their domestic market, lowered local food prices, allowing local food prices and allowed to allow local food prices and let the price of local food and let the price of local food and let the price of local food have allowed local food prices and allowed local food prices to allow local food prices and let the price of local food and let the price of local food have allowed local food prices and allowed local food prices to allow local food prices and let the price of local food and let the price of local food have allowed local food prices and allowed local food prices to allow local food prices and let the price of local food and let the price of local food have allowed local food prices and allowed local food prices to allow local food prices.Farmers suffered losses.

French Foreign Minister Cologne was interviewed by Agence France -Presse on Wednesday in New York that Poland's ban from Ukraine's grain from being unreasonable and said that "such a tension is regrettable."He quoted the European Union's research data, saying that the import of Ukraine's grain will not disrupt the market or it is not good for European farmers.

However, according to Bloomberg's analysis, the cost of aid from Wuwu is increasing, making Poland's dissatisfaction increasingly rising; especially when the Polish election is approaching at the moment, the grain dispute has become a key political issue in China.The ruling party is under great pressure.