The Russian ambassador opposed the Ukrainian President Zelezki to the United Nations Security Council's meeting. The meeting quickly evolved into a debate of representatives of various countries on Russia's invasion.

The morning of this Security Council, which focuses on the Ukrainian issue, just started on Wednesday (September 20).Chairman and Albanian Prime Minister Rama fell into a dispute.

Bloomberg reported that Nirvana Jia to the venue read the lecture on the venue: "We don't think the reason you give is convincing." He also repeatedly tried to stop Zerrenzki from attending the high -level meeting of the National Federal University of the University this week.Leaders and Foreign Ministers of various countries speak.

Lama, who presided over the meeting, apparently was dissatisfied with Nirvana's interruption.He used Russia to call for the invasion of the Ukrainian war, and joked that he had not carried out a "special action" that made Zelleiski spoke.

Lama said: "All these preaching related to the rules of the discussion, saying it from your mouth, it is really eye -catching." He told Nirvana that if Russia ends the conflict it initiated, then Ze Lian LianlianSky does not need to speak at all.

After some lips and tongue battles, Zerrenzki began to speak.

Zelei said to the Security Council: "Russia killed at least tens of thousands of Chinese citizens, destroyed millions of people's homes, and reduced them into refugees." He also criticized the United Nations framework to give Russia a vote for a vote for the Security Council to veto a vote.right."Most people in the world recognize the truth of this war. This is Russia's crime and no adults in my country, the purpose is to seize the territory and resources of Ukraine."