(Bloomberg Berlin) The German government announced that it was banned from a branch derived from the new Nazi organization in the United States, and with the assistance of law enforcement officers in the United States, it banned 28 members of the organization across the country.

The German Internal Affairs Minister Feisse said on Tuesday (September 19) that the assault operation caused "heavy innovation" to right -wing extremism, and also conveyed the information that Germany would never tolerate racism and anti -Jewie.

Fisher said that such organizations "greatly threatened our democracy, which is why we continue to take banning operations to eliminate the threat of right -wing extremism."

The latest measures adopted by the German government for radicals are increasingly increasing the support rate of the "German alternative Party" (AFD) of the anti -immigrants, especially the states of the pre -communism.

The right -wing extremist tissue that was banned this time was "Hammerskins Deutschland" and the affiliated organization "Crew 38".According to the German Ministry of Internal Council, the German hammer leather is the 20th right -wing extremist tissue banned by the Ministry of the Interior.

The German hammer skin with about 130 members is a branch of the "Hammerskins Nation" established in the United States in 1988. The former was very active in the European Right -wing sports.

The German Ministry of the Interior said that in the world, the organization claims to be an elite brotherhood to achieve a cultural lifestyle, and they are also regarded as the elite of the right -wing extremist bald party.

The ideological form of German hammer skin is based on the political propaganda of Nazi radical dogma. It is hoped that they can consolidate the extreme forces of right -wing, especially through spreading extremist music and products to attract members and make them radical.