(Vladivostak/Seoul Comprehensive) North Korean leader Kim Jong-un 访问俄罗斯期间参观了许多军备设施,不过俄罗斯和朝鲜至今尚未就Sign any agreement for military or other areas .The analysis believes that the meeting between North and Russia may have a specific results as if the outside world imagines.

The official Russian media reported that the Russian Defense Minister Hisu Saturday (September 16) Kanevic Airport, about 50 kilometers from Vladivostok (China, China), to Kim Jong Un shows the Kinzhal hypersonic speed missile and Tu-160, Tu-95, and Tu.-22m3 three strategic bombers.When introducing these strategic bombers, Shaygu said: "It can fly from Moscow to Japan, and then return." Kim Jong -un also asked about the situation of launching missiles from the bomber.

After Kim Jong -un, accompanied by Shaygu, he visited the Russian Pacific Fleet Command at the Vladivostak to visit the Russian frigates, Marshal Shaposhnikov, to visit Russia.

According to the DPRK China News Agency, Kim Jong -un expressed admiration for the rapid development of Russian aviation technology and surpassing external potential threats when he visited a military and civilian aircraft manufacturers in Russia on Friday (15th).

Russian President Putin and Kim Jong-un held a meeting on Wednesday (13th) to discuss military, The Russian and Ukraine War and deepening bilateral cooperation.However, the Cremlin palace said on Friday that Russia has not signed any agreement on military or other fields.

US and South Korea warning: Military cooperation violates Pyongyang's sanctions to pay the price

, North Korea and RussiaCooperation violates the sanctions on Pyongyang, and the allies will ensure that North Korea and Russia pay for it.

The BBC reports pointed out that Russia has not disclosed any substantial results of the talks between the two countries so far, mainly showing the grand scene of Kim Jong -un's visit.The only known is that Putin hinted that he might help Kim Jong -un achieved the goal of launching space and satellite launch.

Analysis: Russia will share the missile technology in the United States or within the scope of North Korean missile attacks

Fyodor Tertitskiy, a Korean National University, a Korean National University, said that even in satellite technology, Putin's statement was very cautious. It was not a clear promise to provide assistance, but strongly implied assistance to provide assistance."This makes us uncertain whether the summit will have more specific results than the conferences of the two in 2019."

Analysis also said that if Moscow and Pyongyang share missile technology, the United States may be in the attack range of North Korean missiles.Leif-Easley, a professor of international research professor of Erhua Women's University, said that Putin and Kim Jong-un held talks at the Eastern Aerospace launcher in Alumul, Russia, showing that Putin ignored the UN sanctions resolutions on the North Korea."This should ring the alarm to other United Nations member states, that is, we must double the sanctions on Pyongyang."